Tag Archives: Bill Wood

From TYWK, 6-27-12… "Bill Brockbrader is out!!!"

[UPDATE 2234 HST: Here is an article from Steve Beckow about Bill’s release.] I received an email last night from Scott at TYWK with this article. “Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood got out” (of jail, that is; remember the request … Continue reading

Posted in apocalypse, chaos, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Update on Bill Brockbrader (Bill Wood)… Request for Assistance…

Scott at ThankYouWhiteKnights has just emailed me about Bill’s situation. To find out more about his situation, and possibly give assistance, please go to this page. As always, I encourage you to follow Higher Guidance about this. I am sure … Continue reading

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5-27-12 Meditation to Protect and Assist All Whistleblowers

Thanks to Tom D. for informing me of this. I know Bill Brockbrader is currently under some duress, and facing difficult times. I was not going to post anything about all this yet, but as this is a meditation for … Continue reading

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Bill Wood and Eva Moore on the Lisa Harrison Show 5-9-12… Video and MP3s

Lisa Harrison interviewed Bill and Eva on 5-9-12. Okay, I’ve already posted the 5-14-12 show of Bill and Eva, so why post this one? First, Lisa asks some excellent questions from her perspective. And her perspective is that she has … Continue reading

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Bill Wood Sheds Light on “the Drake”/FR Situation, on “Truth Revealed” Radio Show (on WSR) 5-14-12… MP3s

You know, soap operas are not my thing. However, sometimes I’m drawn to observe a few, just to see how they might relate to what’s going on with the planet. And it’s ascension process. And it is very clear (to … Continue reading

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Drake on WolfSpiritRadio 5-6-12 (with cameo by Bill Wood) MP3s

I listened to part of this show, which may be found here, and found that Drake presented a bit of new information in the first two parts. Have not listened to it all yet. A note about Part 1 and … Continue reading

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Mass Arrests – New information with Bill Wood and Eva Moore 5-6-12… MP3s

Now… the MP3s. Here’s what’s been done: converted each of the videos, boosted the volume of each, leveled out the volumes a bit, then saved in three different ways: 1) as set of six 15-minute parts (just like the videos) … Continue reading

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Mass Arrests – New information with Bill Wood and Eva Moore 5-6-12… VIDEOS

Mahalo nui loa (Thank you very much) to Oliver T who alerted me to these videos in the comments on the last post. I started listening to part 1 as I was driving back from (you guessed it) Java on … Continue reading

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Drake, Bill Wood and Company on Wolf Spirit Radio 5-3-12…MP3s

Drake is interviewed by Bill Wood on the Freedom Reigns Show at Wolf Spirit Radio. This was another revealing show, much information reiterated, and some new information as well. A couple of highlights from my end are outlined below. Pt. … Continue reading

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Even More of the Drake, this time with Bill Wood… 4-14-14 ThankYouWhiteKnights Radio Show Video and MP3s

[UPDATED 4-15-12 1041 HST: Added highlight and adjusted times] Someone alerted me to this Thank You White Knights radio show. I listened to it, and found some very interesting points coming from both Drake and Bill Wood (aka Brockbrader). So … Continue reading

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"More Truth Revealed"… A Couple of Documents from Bill Brockbrader (aka, Wood)

Bill Brockbrader released two documents today, which I received via email. The first one I have posted the first 3 paragraphs, and the rest may be viewed by downloading the pdf below. The first has some back and forth about … Continue reading

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Bill Wood Interview with Lisa M. Harrison, February 7, 2012… Video and MP3s

In this interview, Lisa M. Harrison (www.lisamharrison.com) interviews Bill Wood (Brockbrader) and the theme is more along the line of spiritual development, and how we as a human race are headed, inexorably, to a positive future. Lisa writes: “This is … Continue reading

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TODAY… "Kerry Cassidy Interview with Bill Wood"… mp3 will be available…

[UPDATE 2-4-12 5PM PDT; I was not able to connect through http://projectcamelot.tv. However, I WAS able to connect at http://www.livestream.com/projectcamelotlive] Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot will interview Bill Wood today, at 5 PM PDT (1500 HST, 0100 UTC (2-5-12)). Here’s … Continue reading

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Project Camelot Bill Wood 2-1-12 Update MP3s… and Upcoming Interview on 2-4-12

For some reason, I have felt very drawn to posting information about these Bill Wood interviews. Particularly significant, in my mind, is that his information has been corroborated by, and corroborates with, David Wilcock’s insiders. The backdrop for this may … Continue reading

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From Project Camelot… Bill Wood… Original Interview Transcript now posted

As many of you (us) are interested in the information coming out from Bill Wood, I post here the transcript of the first video. Here is the link to the transcript at Project Camelot: http://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/bill_wood/bill_wood.html You may find the videos … Continue reading

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Audio MP3s of BOTH Bill Wood Interviews by Project Camelot on 1-17-12 & 1-24-12

In light of the last post (David Wilcock’s new section 5), I felt it would be very helpful to post here both of the Bill Wood interviews, videos and audios links. I previously posted here “Audio MP3s of Project Camelot … Continue reading

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[Updated with PDF version] NEW UPDATE! David Wilcock "Financial Tyranny" Section 5 is Here!!… "THE MASS ARRESTS HAVE ALREADY STARTED"

[UPDATED 1-29-12: I have added a PDF version of the complete (all pages) web article; go to the links below] This is a most important update (well, which one of David’s articles is not important). Full of information, new photos, … Continue reading

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Audio MP3s of Project Camelot Interview 1-24-12: Bill Wood, Q&A with David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy, and Bill Ryan

[youtube=http://youtu.be/9k7J0RWLFGo&w=500] [UPDATE 1-25-12 2308: If you only wish to listen to a short piece of this, I would recommend the second half of part 6 (the last 20 minutes of the interview). Very uplifting and promising.] “A LIVE 3 hour … Continue reading

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