Tag Archives: Bilderberg

Kevin Barrett VT 6-6-14… "Bilderberg plots New World Order agenda"

Although there’s “nothing new”, necessarily, about the Bilderbergers objectives in this piece, I liked the points Kevin made about “the world is fighting back”. ———————————————————————— Bilderberg plots New World Order agenda Every year, the world’s most powerful people meet in … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford, June 27, 2011… Japan is investing 8 trillion yen in new energy technology; oil and nuclear power will be phased out

Another encouraging report from Ben about what is going on (mostly) behind the scenes. Promising for new energy sources, and the new financial system. I’ll let the article speak for itself with no more comments for now. I suggest reading … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford, June 20,2011… “Bilderberger meeting cancelled halfway through as participants flee to avoid arrest”

This is overall a very uplifting message from Ben. I must say, I am filled with something like “joy” hearing about the near arrest of some of those Bilderbergers. There is still a lot of under-the-covers activities going on, but … Continue reading

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