Tag Archives: arrests

Mass Arrests 1 of 2… RT 9-24-14… “Over 1,000 arrested in Europe crackdown on organized crime – Europol”

I saw this yesterday, and was not getting to post until later. Then article 2 came forth, which I’ll post after this. I would say this is all interconnected with that wonderful “family of contrast” called “the Cabal”. This is … Continue reading

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Think Nothing’s Happening? Nothing has Changed? Here’s 1362 Examples that it HAS… document, “PROOF of MASS ARRESTS RESIGNATIONS & RETIREMENTS of ELITE”

Thanks to WWP (YouTube name, “styleeffexxx“), who recommended this document. There are 1362 lines in this document, each one listing a PTW type who has resigned, been arrested, died, or whatever. And there are links to most every one. [Recall … Continue reading

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Kp Message… My “Get” on the “Transformations of Government” (in the U.S., at least)

This is my “get”. And only my “get”. Maybe some of you have “got” the same thing that I “get” here, but what I describe below is from my own “Get Central”. Okay, I’ve been reading and listening and wishing … Continue reading

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More "Here's What's Going on with those Bankers" Articles… Thanks to the Readers!

Here are a few more bankers-being-arrested type links. Thanks to all who contributed, including Henri, chicago dreamer, Karen. And click here to read the first article about this. (please note, all the original links, and all of the current ones, … Continue reading

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