Tag Archives: Adam Riva

Dauntless Dialogue 10-15-18… “Declassifying the Secret Space Program” (VIDEO & article)

Very much enjoyed, and resonated with, Adam’s presentation about the SSP, and the soon to release movie, “Above Majestic“. “Perhaps the largest, most expensive, and least understood collection of classified projects is loosely colloquially referred to as the Secret Space … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 9-1-18… “#13 James Gilliland | Winning the War Against the Deep State”

I’ve listened to about half of this, and I felt some would benefit from what James has to report about current developments “against the deep state”. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/QV86U9Qsk4A&w=600] https://youtu.be/QV86U9Qsk4A Published on Sep 1, 2018 Author, filmmaker, and founder of ECETI … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue “Breakaway” series, parts 3 & 4… “Tony Rodrigues, ‘SRA*’ and ‘Life on Mars'” (8-12-18, 8-19-18)

I’ve listened to parts of each of these, and felt it was time to post them here. More data for these apocalyptic times. *SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse . [youtube=https://youtu.be/f41-1Eleb-o&w=600] https://youtu.be/f41-1Eleb-o Published on August 12, 2018 . [youtube=https://youtu.be/yO4FOwXnJmw&w=600] https://youtu.be/yO4FOwXnJmw Published … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue “Breakaway” series, parts 1 & 2… “Tony Rodrigues, ‘Spacebound Prisoner’ and ‘Life Onboard the Dark Fleet Craft'”

Well, I listened to both of these tonight. I’d seen them popp up on YouTube awhile back, but I found myself extremely “drawn in” to these interviews. Tony Rodrigues was part of a 20 and back program, which took him … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 7-10-18… “ARTHUR UPDATE: ‘Admiral Mike Rogers is Working with the Alliance'” [TRANSCRIPT ADDED]

Found this update very unveiling about what went on as DJT was running for the presidency. Also there is another confirmation (at about 6 minutes) that The Alliance asked DJT to run, in order to take down the deep state … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 7-2-18… “ARTHUR UPDATE: “We Are Discussing Continuity Plans””

This is another (fairly short) update from Arthur, via Adam Riva. I use these updates as possible data, and do not necessarily align with every single thing that’s here. But I enjoy the exposure to the information. Arthur also gets … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 3-21-18… “ALLIANCE INSIDER: ‘Stage 5 Will Start By This Weekend'”

This will likely resonate with many, as it resonated with me. Someone else sent me a text from another person who basically said the same thing that “Arthur” is saying here. Enjoy. “Our source within the Alliance, who we have … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 3-9-18… “ALLIANCE INSIDER: Rigged Bridges and Infrastructure to Trap Illuminati” (or, “Trump is aware of EVERYTHING”)

[Kp synchronicity note: Look at my list of notes. First I had NO realization that I posted a numbered list (usually I don’t). Now look at the number of items I have posted… it’s 11!! This has continued from the … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 3-3-18… “ALLIANCE INSIDER: ‘Artificial Intelligence is Our Biggest Adversary'”

A new “Alliance Insider” (Arthur) video and article by Adam Riva. There was a previous Kp blog post with information from the same insider. I also enjoyed listening to this one, so I post it for all to view and/or … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 2-14-18… “ALLIANCE INSIDER: “There Will be No Civilian Trials for the Illuminati””

[Kp update: Here are two earlier videos, each of which has more information about “Arthur”: 12/6/17 (related article); 12/14/17 (related article)] I listened to this video and article by Adam Riva. I like this guy and how he presents this … Continue reading

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