Tag Archives: Abby Martin

TeleSur.tv 4-16-16… “Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes What Hillary Clinton Really Represents”

This link was sent to me, and after viewing the video, I feel it is extremely important to help one be very aware of what “the Hillary” is all about, and that she is “the Empire’s choice”. Excellent expose of … Continue reading

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RT 11-11-15… “Oakland sues Monsanto for ‘long-standing contamination’ of San Francisco Bay”

Why am I not surprised at this one? More and more Monsanto (and dark companies like them) are being exposed for their unhealthy-for-the-planet activities. Excellent summary of all that’s going on against Monsanto. Found at Galactic Connection. “Agrochemical giant Monsanto … Continue reading

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Jesse Ventura interviewed by Abby Martin of RT 3-18-14… “No More Borders”

[youtube=http://youtu.be/2fkVgfqziso&w=500] http://youtu.be/2fkVgfqziso This is part of an Abby Martin “Breaking the Set” show, where the Jesse Ventura portion is from about 2:30, in the first half of this video. Especially “highlighting” for me was at about 7:30 where Jesse (and … Continue reading

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