Search Results for: Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light

A Pro-Obama post (sort of): Michael Grunwald, 1-6-16… “The Nation He Built”

Barack Obama has had quite the share of “anti-Obama” material printed about him, and I do not agree with all of his ideas (if they really are his ideas), but I feel this Politico piece (part of an “All Obama” … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1-12-16… “Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds”

Here is the full version of Ben’s weekly report from Ben. Highlights below, thanks to SitsShow. “Most stock market indexes are expected to fall by 60 to 50% before this campaign ends, according to a a senior official at the … Continue reading

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A Case of “Advancing Apocalypse”? VT 1-7-16… “The UK Michael Shrimpton case” (with Ben Fulford’s letter of testimony)

The letter from Ben Fulford was posted at BF’s typepad blog last month, but I did not feel like posting it then. This is now the time, as I sense this whole “Shrimpton Affair” (that should become a new movie … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 1-3-16… “Anthem”

Another week of Poof and the crew of Zap. Please note that it is VERY important to keep one’s “P”s straight. There’s Poof that starts with “P”, Zap that ends in “P”, there are Purple Pigs, which could be labeled … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 12-29-15… “The past year has seen pre-revolutionary turmoil, next may come post-revolutionary turmoil”

An annual review by Ben. Highlights below. “In many ways the situation now is similar to the situation in Eastern Europe just before the fall of the Soviet Union. “Europe has already rejected Khazarian mafia rule and what the world … Continue reading

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Lance Schuttler, 12-19-15… “The Alliance That Is Taking Down The New World Order”

Originally found this at BP’s blog. I was confused, at first, however, because it sounded as if this were a Neil Keenan update, however, I could not find it at his website. So finally I somehow found the original link, … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 12-27-15… “Hero’s”

I’ve not fully read this one yet (as is true with most of these), but little bit at a time, I’ll get there, and add more highlights if I find them. Music lyrics and video are at the end. [Poof] … Continue reading

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The Millennium Report 12-21-15… “BOMBSHELL Report: ‘Pentagon leaders conducted a secret alliance with Assad and Putin to undermine Obama’”

Wow!! Thanks to RC who sent the link to this. The original link she sent was at Jean Haines blog. First off, all this is based on this article by Seymour Hersh, “Military to Military“, posted in the London Review … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 12-20-15… “Revolution”

Another pretty long one this week. Zap also has a portion at the end where he apparently copied from a December 18, 2014 message. Why he’s put that in there, I have no idea. Lots of great reading here, folks. … Continue reading

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RT 12-18-15… “UN Security Council unanimously adopts Syrian roadmap resolution”

This was one of the four items agreed to by the US, as mentioned in this ITCW posting (quoted below). “The Obama regime agreed to join Russia in offering a UN Resolution seeking to cut off Islamic State funding—an action … Continue reading

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VT 12-15-15… “Kerry to Putin: US Grateful to Russia for Cooperation on Syria – Updated”

There seems to be a crack in the (BS) denial of the US State Department about Syria. And perhaps this indicates a softening, of sorts, which is a very direct result of Russia’s “invited intervention” in the Daesh situation in … Continue reading

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Preston James VT 12-13-15… “The power and hegemony of the incredibly evil but incompetent American Military Industrial Complex”

The video at the end with President Putin’s answer to a BBC reporter is a particularly pointed one to watch. “Kapu Aloha”, Russian style. “Amazingly incompetent at its core but this incompetency has been overridden and compensated for by brute … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 12-13-15… “Solar System / Planetary Situation Update”

New update from Cobra. “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system… The Kuiper belt… is … Continue reading

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Allen Roland VT 12-12-15… “Trump Represents Ugly Face Of American Politics”

This short piece by Allen Roland I feel hits the nail on the head about the situation of “America” and “American politics”, especially about the part where the attempted stealing of rights and support of the “government over the people” … Continue reading

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Preston James & Mike Harris, VT 12-8-15… “Putin’s next move on the grand chessboard?”

I would have to classify this article as another “blockbuster” from Preston and Mike. Many points are repeated from earlier articles, but this one gives some clear points which President Putin may be pressing for the sake of “saving” Russia, … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 12-6-15… “Wonderful World”

There is some mention of Neil Keenan in this one. I haven’t been following Neil, but perhaps Zap is referring to this post. A couple highlights are below. Music lyrics and video are at the end. [Poof] “…from this sphere … Continue reading

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An Illuminating Preston (James, that is)… Part 2 of 2, “That ‘Deep Black’ Disclosure Business”

[Click here for Part 1.] All I can say about this one is that there is a HUGE amount of information here, and I have yet to read it all, and I’ll likely finish it tomorrow, but I did enjoy … Continue reading

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Harrison Koehli, 11-27-15… “The Struggle for Hearts and Minds: Putin Continues to Call NATO’s Bluff”

I found this a very revealing portrait of how Russia/Putin/et al. are winning the hearts and minds of the planet. By assuming the friendship of their opponents (partners in contrast), they allow those opponents to expose themselves for who and … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 11-25-15… FULL ARTICLE… “DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN: The War For The Truth”

Okay, after seeing that David’s site was subjected to a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), I am posting his full article… NOW. Also, I’ve saved the web page and uploaded to my storage area, and post the links to them … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 11-22-15… “You’ll Never Walk Alone”

This is extremely long. I’m going to pass momentarily on placing highlights, but may add later. Music lyrics and video at the end. ———————————————————————– Greetings and Salutation: [POOF SAID;] “The sea of life is rocking all boats right now. The … Continue reading

More Galleries | 12 Comments… “Pepe Escobar: Paris terror attacks — who profits?” and “Who benefits from the terror attacks in France?”

[Corrected the title after posting… it’s not “Pablo Escobar”, it’s “Pepe“.] Found the first one at Jean Haines blog, then found the second at Gives some insight into the whole Paris events business. I felt it was calling to … Continue reading

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Holy Crap… Hillary said what? VT 11-19-15… “Clinton: Assad Stays”

This just “caught my mind”, and to me it represents an indication how the energies on the planet have shifted. Light-ness is invading the planet, and I do feel that many of the former “dark” players are shifting… some quickly, … Continue reading

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Another French False Flag… A Few Articles…

Several very interesting pieces of data from the French terrorist attacks are below. Prediction (in the Economist) before it happened, Wikipedia page already composed, France-Germany “punishment for not cooperating with the US” scenario in place, “Magic Syrian Passport” appears (just … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-19-15… “Proxy Galactic War in Syria”

Very interesting information here about the Galactic connection with what is occurring in Syria. ” Clearing of the Chimera group continues… clearing of their Draco and Reptilian minions is now quite intense and has already reached the awareness of the … Continue reading

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A Couple of Prestons (James, that is), 2 of 2… 10-14-15, “Putin’s Wild Card in Syria”

Another blockbuster, in my view. Fascinating information about Russia’s ET high-technology being used right now. Fascinating! “…we now know that ISIS is an Israeli-American Terror Machine creation and that the American carriers are highly vulnerable. Some top weapons experts consider … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 10-7-15… “Mid-Week Report”


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Global Research 10-1-15… “Putin’s Global Game Changer”

This is a very unveiling article about the importance of the last few days, and Putin’s actions. Very unveiling. ——————————————— Putin’s Global Game Changer Contrary to the expectations of many experts who were predicting a “second Munich” from Vladimir Putin in … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview with Rob Potter 9-23-15… TRANSCRIPT

[Rob informs me the actual interview date was 9-22-15.] One may listen to the interview at this SoundCloud page, or via the previous post. Perhaps a piece of “big” news here is that Rob will be interviewing Corey. —————————————————– 2015 … Continue reading

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Katherine Frisk VT 9-20-15… “Why did Chile get an Earthquake and Tsunami?”

I’m not always “definite” about any of the weather things happening these days, particularly knowing that there is very likely a “cleansing” of the planet going on right now, by “Spirit of Gaia” (or something like that) taking place, at … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 9-20-15… “Here We Go”

Another promising Poof. Those who don’t like it may “Kiss Zap’s ‘Doof’ (namely, duff)!” Music video and lyrics at the end. [Poof] “The cups are being filled with the correct amount of ingredients to make a very smooth and easy … Continue reading

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