Search Results for: Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-3-16… “Document dump shows Federal Reserve Board based on outright fraud”

Full weekly report from Ben. More fascinating news. I’ve “cleaned up” the original posting and added in all of the images, as well as a lot more highlights. So have fun reading this one! “Documents leaked by US government personnel … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 9-25-16… “What a Wonderful World”

Another Poof, et al, report. Zap also includes a comment on David’s website and the work towards cosmic disclosure. Music lyrics and two video link are at the end. [Kp note: I always take these “Poofnesses” as potential data. Bottom … Continue reading

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Ian Greenhalgh VT 9-21-16… “Russia Govt. Report: Snowden, Greenwald are CIA frauds”

[Kp update 9-22-16 2153 HST: I found these Flickr pages with information on Dr. Les Sachs: Flickr1, Flickr2] I’m posting this article by Ian Greenhalgh because I believe it is a blockbuster! I say “I believe”, because I have not … Continue reading

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Preston James VT 9-7-16… “Subjects and Serfs of the Lesser Gods (Part III)”

Part III in Preston’s series focuses on “the esoterics behind Alien ET issues and the current manifest evil of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) that has hijacked the USG, which is now parasitizing the whole world through its “privatized” super-fascist proprietaries”. … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 8-17-16… “Situation Update”

Interesting news from Cobra. “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to appear. This means that plasma free of primary anomaly … Continue reading

More Galleries | Leave a comment 8-6-16… “Cobra / Prepare for Change: July Interview”

I’ve not yet listened to this, nor read it, but I’ve heard some positive things about it. —————————————————– Cobra / Prepare for Change: July Interview Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 8-1-16… “Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. “The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well… The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown … Continue reading

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Preston James VT 7-24-16… “It’s no Secret – Divide and Conquer in American Politics”

Well, here we go with another “unveiling in many ways” Preston. Many who read this blog are likely aware of the “USA CORP PDF” division’s work (and PDF = Political Democracy Farce), and Preston appears to be sure to lay … Continue reading

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Preston James VT 5-8-16… “Unfathomable Hypocrisy of the USG and its Network News”

Another Preston that will likely assist in “opening the eyes” to what “the media” is all about. “Right now there is no direct means by which We The People can force the USG or its mouthpiece the Network News to … Continue reading

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Futurist Trendcast 5-10-16… “Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails Scandal and Will Kremlin Release Them? Recall my Prediction!”

Fascinating post by Lada Ray. Thanks to Beverly for alerting me to this. [As I am currently “feeling it (energies?) big time” right now, I’m passing on highlights. For those who’ve tried to call, my phone is off, and will … Continue reading

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Jim Dean VT (via RT) 4-14-16… “Top quotes from Putin’s 2016 Q&A”

Some highlights via Jim Dean, via RT, from Putin’s annual Q&A. Here’s a highlight or two. “Turkey is doing more to collaborate with jihadist extremists than it is doing to combat them, according to Putin. He mentioned that he did … Continue reading

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Preston James VT 4-8-16… “Exclusive: The Coming Shift to the Esoteric” (or, “Holy Crap… this is a BIG one from Preston!”)

Wow!! As I was copying this one, I realized how long it is… 8 sections, plus an update with a couple more added videos! I believe many of these “Prestons” are what one might call, “extreme truth apocalypsers”. And personally, … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-4-16… “Decisive attacks against Khazarian mafia unfolding in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and elsewhere”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. A most interesting point is what he has to say about the “Panama Papers” saga (see highlights below). “The battle to liberate the planet earth is unfolding at an ever more dramatic pace … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 4-6-16… “The Syria Pentagram”

Very important (in my view) update from Cobra, with some insight into what is the “real occult reason for the Syrian conflict”. And particularly, how we may assist in “supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram”, and thus, the liberation … Continue reading

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How many #PANAMAPAPERS can YOU handle? PART 8… RT 4-6-16… “US government, Soros funded Panama Papers to attack Putin – WikiLeaks”

[Update: Yay!!… I finally learned how to embed Tweets on WordPress! So all of them are included. Just click the Tweet to go to that page.] This one was pointed out by Cobra (in an update I have now posted). … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 3-25-16… “Situation Update”

The latest situation update from Cobra. “The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach. This has triggered a strong reaction … Continue reading

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Brussels 3-22-16… Guaranteed, Another False Flag… Data bits from Kevin Barrett, Steve Beckow, and others

This is going to be 4 articles “crammed” into one post. To me, as soon as I heard about it, the first two words I saw was “False Flag”. And according to one article below, even “false flag crisis actress … Continue reading

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For awareness only… TECC 3-22-16… “Note to Activists, Writers, Indy Media, Bloggers, Whistleblowers: Just FYI, EMF Weapons/DEWs Are Being Used Covertly in Neighborhoods”

This was sent to me from Ramola D., author of “The EveryDay Concerned Citizen“. I’m grateful for the heads up on this, as a possible reason my solar plexus has been vibrating so much recently. It’s something, I must admit, … Continue reading

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About Brasil 1 of 3… Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast, 3-15-16… “Brazil Color Revolution Attempt: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika and 2016 Olympics. Lada Ray Report and Predictions” (or, Here we go again with ANOTHER regime change attempt!)

[Kp update 3-28-16: Here are links to Part 2 and Part 3.] [Kp update (before I’ve even posted this]: I feel there is so much here, that I am going to post the full article here, and then break off … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 2-28-16… “Brothers and Sisters”

This appears to be, in part, a selection of pieces from other sources about what appears to be about to happen / has been happening to prepare this thing called “reset”, “RV”. I have seen most of them before, but … Continue reading

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VT 2-25-16… “Top Secret/SC: Raw Intel Report on Turkey, Syria and Iraq” [HIGHLIGHTS ADDED]

I’ve not read this entire thing yet, but I felt it needed to be posted right now. I will likely highlight this later. [Done] This points out that due to internal resistance from “old guard insiders purged by the Erdogan … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview with Rob Potter 2-18-16…

I’ve just listened to the first few minutes, and I’m hearing some enlightening information from Cobra about his most recent post. This post contains both the audio and transcript. The audio is also available at Rob’s Soundcloud page. Thanks so … Continue reading

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A Few RTs and a VT about “Happenings in Syria” 2-18(19)-16

A few items that popped out as I scanned these sites. Highlights included below. PHOTOS: Turkey Army Troops Enter Syria’s Aleppo Province “Turkish military vehicles have been photographed in the northwestern Syrian province of Aleppo while Turkish troops have been … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-8-16… “First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Seems like BIG news. Highlights below. “The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 2-8-16… “First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists”

A new weekly report from Ben. Seems like BIG news. Highlights below. “The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian … Continue reading

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F. William Engdahl, Jim Dean, VT, 2-7-16… “NEO – Iran Completes Eurasian Golden Triangle”

This one came before my eyes today, and I felt it was wanting to be posted, as it illustrates the new world we are moving into. I’d not been aware of the “Eurasian Golden Triangle”, but it is quite evident … Continue reading

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Russia Insider 1-26-16… “Russia’s Had Enough: No More ‘Business as Usual’ With US”

This is a fairly long read, but essential, in my view, so see the contrast between the Russian government and the Western governments, particularly, the USA (CORP). [article] “Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave a remarkable press conference that was … Continue reading

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Jim Dean VT 1-26-16… “NEO – The Terrorist Name Game Meets Seymour Hersh Hype”

I almost posted this last night, but with all my “X-Issues”, I just dropped it. Anyway, I feel this has a few points of note that are right for this moment. So here’s a couple highlights. “But I knew the … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 1-20-16… “Mid-week Report”

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. One piece of this I noted was the inclusion of a long description from Leo Wanta’s book, “Wanta! Black Swan, White Hat”, newly released in paperback. Apparently there are some major revelations included in the … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 1-17-16… “Changes”

[RMN link has now been added.] I’ve not seen this yet at RMN, so I pass along what Barbara sent to me via email (mahalo). Another week of Poof and the crew of Zap. As usual, I’d suggest using discernment … Continue reading

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