Search Results for: Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light 3-31-18… “Putin-Trump Alliance Gets Staggering Boost As “Deep State” Globalism Warned Near Death”

First of all, I love this image from this WDiM. And again it illustrates to me how Putin and Trump are, in one way and another, working together to stoop the Deep State tyranny and bring each of those respective … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue 3-3-18… “ALLIANCE INSIDER: ‘Artificial Intelligence is Our Biggest Adversary'”

A new “Alliance Insider” (Arthur) video and article by Adam Riva. There was a previous Kp blog post with information from the same insider. I also enjoyed listening to this one, so I post it for all to view and/or … Continue reading

More Galleries | 9 Comments 2-20-18… “Never Before Seen In History Showdown Fast Approaching Warned Signals Shattering Defeat Of West”

First off, although these WDiMs are usually “dramatically” worded, I do feel it is a wake up to each of us to hold the Light for this situation and BE where we may each be called to BE to assist. … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1-22-18… “Future of world being negotiated in next two weeks as Super Blue Blood Moon approaches”

Full weekly report from Ben. “The shutdown of the U.S. government over the weekend is likely to become permanent as top-level negotiations continue to discuss its replacement, multiple sources agree. The Western old-world-order leadership is gathering this week in Davos, … Continue reading

More Galleries | 9 Comments 11-14-17… “(Part IV) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates (UPDATED)”

Here is Part IV in the series of Q Clearance interpretations by Jonathon at So this is quite a long article. He even includes a Kim Dotcom Tweet, and remarks from David Wilcock and Corey Goode about what is … Continue reading

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David Wilcock Update 11-12-17… “Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?” (text only)

Hey… I could not get to sleep… which to me was a “sign” that I needed to post the text of this now. So here it is. I’m posting the text only, and I’m only going to include the photo … Continue reading

More Galleries | 5 Comments 11-11-17… “(Part III) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates”

This is another in the series of Q Clearance interpretations by Jonathon at, and goes with Part I (Kp blog post) and Part II (Kp blog post). There is an emphasis, at the end (with many links and references), … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview by Rob Potter 8-26-17

Some may be interested in this interview of Cobra. Apparently Rob is still working on the audio, but I would expect it to be posted on The Promise Revealed SoundCloud page. ———————————————————- Cobra Interview 8-26-17 I am sorry sound file … Continue reading

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Three 7-7-17 articles that indicate “The Cabal Agenda is Falling Apart”… Syria ceasefire US/Russia deal, No more “Hockey stick climate graph”, and a “HUGE Pedophile Sting”

Think that “nothing’s going on” for the benefit of the planet? Well, look again. Looks like plenty of things are falling apart for the cabal. One step at a time. The “good guys” (including Trump, Putin) appear to be doing … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 5-22-17… “The old guard simply refuses to hand over the financial system so it will have to be replaced”

Full weekly report from Ben. “The old guard that hijacked the world’s financial system is stubbornly refusing to cede control over the process of creating dollars, euros and yen to the people of the planet earth. This was evident when … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview 5-12-17 by Rob Potter, “Victory of the Light Blog Transcript and AUDIO”

[Kp update: a video of this interview is available here.] This just came out today. I have yet to listen to it, but the transcript is below the audio. I have slightly upgraded the audio and split into 3 parts … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-24-17… “We must all push to make sure the criminal US corporate government is shut down on May 1st”

Full weekly report from Ben. Fascinating information about the key role of the Knights of Malta. “…multiple independent sources are all saying something huge might happen on May 1st. In the corporate propaganda media this is the day when a … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-10-17… “Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave”

Full weekly report from Ben. There is a lot of information here. Big time. And I cannot say I agree with all of it. I personally do not believe Trump has been “Satanized”. In particular, I’d direct your attention to … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 4-10-17… “Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave”

New weekly report from Ben. There is a lot of information here. Big time. And I cannot say I agree with all of it. I personally do not believe Trump has been “Satanized”. In particular, I’d direct your attention to … Continue reading

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Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 4-7-17… “#Trump and US #Syria Attack: Hate to Say I Told You So! #UnitedStatesOfAggression”

Well, this is a pretty “in your face” Lada article, but sometimes the data has to be faced. Cannot say I align with all of the negatives about the situation, but I do agree that Russia (Putin, et al.) is … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 4-7-17… “Treasons exposed, closings follow”

Now, just after posting all of the Syria posts, this comes out. No coincidence. This to me speaks of what the “Syria false-flag and subsequent attacks” were about… exposing the treasons (see these posts). For further interpretations, I suggest checking … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-27-17… “Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat”

Full weekly report from Ben. Those wishing to (continue to) assist Benjamin in his “tight” financial times, may visit this Kp blog post. All I can say here is that he is addressing his situation, and intends to have alternative … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-20-17… “Rothschilds surrender US Corporation bankrupt USA Republic accepts shared human destiny”

Full weekly report from Ben. I’d say the most surprising (maybe not) part is the news about Tillerson. [Kp note: Anyone wishing to assist Benjamin and his team may still visit this post. Thanks to all who have contributed so … Continue reading

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Foster Gamble, Thrive Movement, 2-25-17… “An Encouraging Look Forward”

Since this is from Foster Gamble, I felt it was a somewhat “independent” (of political, etc., stances) view of what’s going on in this world as we move forward, and upward. This is, in my view, a very powerful message. … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 3-2-17… “Etheric Liberation Report”

This is an update of the initial blast of good news from Cobra, posted here. Sounds as if all is proceeding well towards the Event. ” Our meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the … Continue reading

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Joe Martino 1-30-17… “What Trump’s ‘Muslim Travel Ban’ Truly Means For The Collective Consciousness”

Much of what is in this article goes along with what I was talking about in this recent Kp Radio Hawai’i show. I will add that the Trump EO did not single out Muslims, as the title of this article … Continue reading

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David French, National Review 1-28-17… “Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees — Separating Fact from Hysteria” (or, “No, this is NOT a ban on Muslims!”)

[Update: The Executive Order is now up on the WH EO page, click here.] [Kp update: I am not going to try to keep up on all this. But thank you to some who have sent various items to me … Continue reading

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Prepare for Change 12-27-16… “Cobra / Prepare for Change: December Interview” AUDIO & TRANSCRIPT

This was also posted at Cobra’s website. Here are his notes about this, and other items… “A short notice from Prepare For Change: “You can submit questions for the next interview here: “We are getting far more questions that … Continue reading

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Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 12-28-16… “RAKETA NEWS: Russia in Syria, Turkey Accuses US of Aiding ISIL, Obama vs. Trump”

There’s a lot of pieces of news in this Lada Ray. “This promises to be an unusually tumultuous and uncertain Holiday Season. In the US the accusations and attempts to overturn the election results will continue. In the following 2017 … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 12-6-16… “ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal” (yes, here it is… BIG time!) (and this is only Part 1!)

[Kp note: here is a link to download (UPDATED with final version) the entire web page (zip folder) as it stands now at 1030 HST. Remember that DW always adds updates during the first day or two.] …and this is … Continue reading

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More CC (Cabal Collapse), anyone?… Jim Dean VT 12-4-16… “Aleppo northern pocket about to fall”

[Kp note: some may wish to skip the short video at the end.] To me, this is another example of how the cabal is coming apart, one piece (multiple pieces) at a time, just like these recent Kp blog posts … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 11-30-16… “Mid-week Report”

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. Two things of note, the currency link is discussed and given below. Also the Paul Craig Roberts article (here’s the link; and another some may wish to read), I feel is absolutely right on… for … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-24-16… “Mass arrests and extrajudicial killings going on as part of cabal takedown”

The full weekly report from Ben. Wow… extremely fascinating news. I don’t know about anyone else, but I am holding Benjamin (and the planet) strongly in the Light at this time. “There is serious fighting going on as 43 different … Continue reading

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Sheldan Nidle Update 10-11-16…

Another latest Sheldan update. As I hinted at in this recent Kp message, I am not paying attention to, nor am I “concerned” with, any of the RV, governmental changes, NESARA / GESARA / SARA-LEE, or any of those other … Continue reading

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Cobra / Prepare for Change: September [9-29-16] Interview… Transcript and Video and MP3 player

I’ve yet to read the entire article, or listen, but there is a lot of information here. This is distinct from the Taiwan PFC Cobra interview. The interview itself starts at 4:15. To listen to MP3 go to the original … Continue reading

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