Author Archives: kauilapele2

220330 Kp Driving Message 2… “Just can’t tune in to all of it, anymore”

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220330 Kp Driving Message 1… “Feeling ‘tired'”

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Turn the Page with Janine 3-24-22 VIDEO… “Mr. Trumptastic… connects the dots”

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I found this to be a very “balanced” discussion about what’s going on, particularly with items like “the RV”, QFS, bank accounts (will be safe during the QFS changeover), and many other things. There’s so much “out there” data, that … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 3-28-22… “Fake Biden, Fake Ukranian War, Fake Pandemic: is it all about to end?”

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New weekly report from Ben. “There are growing signs we in the West are all watching a giant fake show and that the show is about to end. This came up in a conversation last week between a senior Russian … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-28-22… “Extremely challenged at the moment” (and I don’t know why)

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That’s all I can say right now. Unfortunately, I feel many of my “personal” postings have become rather “negative” and/or un-inspiring. I feel like many of them have to do with me venting about frustrations and challenges with the energies. … Continue reading

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Telegram posts that may be of Interest (recent ones, 3-22-22 to 3-27-22)

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These are ones that “struck the Inner mark” from the last few days. I’m just posting a a few (I’m feeling a bit “overwhelmed” right now, so just want to get these few out. Not sure how much longer I’m … Continue reading

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Santa Surfing 3-27-22 VIDEO… “Big Sting Operation! People on GITMO barges! Tribunals are coming!”

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I’m posting this because she connects a lot of points I’ve seen recently (and I’ve been going through “stuff” so I’m posting “lightly” right now). Key point she makes, “Time for prayer” (and to “Hold the Light” for this transformation … Continue reading

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Very challenged at the moment… (3-27-22)

So I’ll be posting sporadically. My own personal energies are in some turmoil. Aloha Kp

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220326 Kp Driving Message 3… “Energetic Light Signature and ‘Ships'”

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220326 Kp Driving Message 2… “The 188888!! Releasing fear of the Great Transition”

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220326 Kp Driving Message 1… “Releasing the ‘need’ to hold on”

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Kp Message 3-25-22… “Much is occurring… and I’m NOT ‘involved'”

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Yes, that “get involved” phrase comes up sometimes, with those who are “putting out the ‘truth’”, and it is a challenge to rise above that so-called “encouragement”. “Oh, [this / that] is happening over [here / there] so you’d better … Continue reading

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220324 Kp Driving Message 2… “Releasing the fear of BEing who we are”

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220324 Kp Driving Message 1… “Higher Inner Self is always the Guide”

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-21-22… “Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth”

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Full weekly report from Ben [Caveat: some of the videos may be challenging for some to watch]. “There are multiple reports coming in from all directions indicating the war for control of the planet earth, one that has been literally … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 3-23-22 VIDEOs… “Zodiac Update [DS] Battle… et al.” & w/ Catherine Edwards… “New Beginnings & Important Announcement!”

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Image links to the 2nd video. (note: image is from an earlier show) Very much enjoyed her Zodiac video, but also the messages that came through the both of them about the ENERGETIC “unifying” of the planet and its energies. … Continue reading

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Telegram posts that may be of Interest (recent ones, 3-19-22 to 3-22-22)

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These are ones that “struck the Inner mark” from the last few days. I’ve bolded a few that I felt were “significant”. Three arenas caught my eyes: 1. Nesara / Gesara / QFS indications. 2. “Durham” also refers to Durham … Continue reading

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220322 Kp Driving Message… “Reversals and finding the Resonant Timelines”

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220320 Kp Driving Message 3… “Closing the day…Flowing with the Changes”

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220320 Kp Driving Message 2… “Bridge to the New World (namely, Iowa)”

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220320 Kp Driving Message 1… “A Day Off”

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Phil Godlewski 3-20-22… “Rapid Fire – March 20th, 2022” (plus Kp notes)

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Yes, I viewed this (listened) live on, and now it is available on Rumble. I took a few notes during the live, which I’ve placed below the video, below the “Read more”. “Phil continues his RAPID FIRE series, taking … Continue reading

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Finally, important news… 2

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This is today (3-22-22) by Jerry, at Viator… Mexican mocha and an apricot something or other muffin… How wonderful!!

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Finally, important news… 1

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Had a wonderful Mayan mocha at Charlotte’s!! Two days ago… Fabulous!!!

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Santa Surfing 3-21-22 VIDEO… “JFK – Assange! Fauci! Dirty FBI! Hunter to be indicted? Evergrande! Faith in God!”

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Very much enjoyed this Santa Surfing. She brings up a lot of “smaller” items that I’ve seen elsewhere. Feel free to use Higher Discernment. .

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Benjamin Fulford 3-21-22… “Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth”

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New weekly report from Ben [Caveat: some of the videos may be challenging to watch]. “There are multiple reports coming in from all directions indicating the war for control of the planet earth, one that has been literally raging for … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 3-21-22 VIDEO… “Tarot By Janine Shouts Out Jean Claude, Shares a Message from her Mom, Updates, HAWAII”

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Thanks to KF of HAWAII, I just viewed this one, and knew I had to post before going out on my walk. HAWAII comes in at just before 6 minutes. Great news. All is being lifted, and the “politicos” were … Continue reading

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Utsava Update 3-19-22… “Updates”

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Don’t have a direct link to this, but felt it was important to post highlights of this latest update. May go along with Phil’s latest (Substack). Anyway, I suggest take the best (what resonates) and leave the rest… follow that … Continue reading

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Two recent Phil G Telegrams 3-19-22… “The return of Donald Trump is imminent”

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No comment here. Just posting for information. Higher Discernment recommended. ————————————————- Phil Godlewski 2.0 The return of Donald Trump is imminent. ————————————————- Phil Godlewski 2.0 Due to major ongoing, I am postponing tonight’s Live. Stay tuned for some exciting … Continue reading

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Telegram posts that may be of Interest (recent ones, 3-12-22 to 3-18-22)

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These are ones that “struck the Inner mark” from the last 6 days. I’ve bolded a few that I felt were “significant”. I really liked the “no more setting clocks back in the fall” and the new 2022 quarter ones. … Continue reading

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