Author Archives: kauilapele2

ALL Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs and playlists from 8-13-21 to 9-4-21 (for those who care to view them)

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Image links to most recent video… Pardon that there are a lot of them here, but I’ve been otherwise occupied. Also there are a couple of single videos here as well. Just wanted to get them “out there”. Feel free … Continue reading

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Charlie Ward 9-3-21 VIDEO… “It’s Time to Wake the Flock Up!” (important announcement coming Sunday)

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Just saw this, and felt should be shared here. CW says that, on Sunday, he (and Simon Parkes) will release a statement regarding a blueprint for the future, “from the very, very top”. “He adds, “This is what we’ve been … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of Interest that I have viewed recently (as of 9-3-21)… (including Jean Claude, Tarot by Janine, Project Veritas, Psychic LJ)

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There’s a lot of links here, but I post them all in one place as I feel that currently it may be useful to others to have these all in one place (and it’s easier on me!). The only note … Continue reading

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Kp Message 9-3-21 (early AM)… “Holding the Light Space for Hawai’i”

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I just watched this short video from HFSN, and “tuned in” to the awakening that is occurring on the islands. The so-called “pandemic” is not doing it’s pre-planned job (meaning, depopulation), but rather is sparking a grand awakening. To me, … Continue reading

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Three (3) Tarot by Janine 8-26-21 VIDEOs… one with JeanClaude @ BeyondMystic and one with Catherine Edwards

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Boy, all of these presented information I found illuminating. And resonated with my own “sense of ‘things’”. The third video she addressed Afghanistan (her card read is consistent with Gene Decode’s, from this video (related Kp blog post)). . … Continue reading

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Gene Decode with Michael Jaco and Cristen W 9-1-21 VIDEO… “[They] destroy the Deep State lies and bring hope” [9-8-21: notes added]

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Listened / watched this entire video yesterday, and there is a tonne and a half of data in here. Afghan deal was to free the country from ds rule. MAJOR loss for the ds. Gene brings out a couple more … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 8-30-21… “More Rats Abandoning the Biden Ship”

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Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Many things are falling apart. “The degeneration of the United States under the fake Biden regime has reached the point where many staunch allies are abandoning it. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is … Continue reading

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Jetson White 9-1-21 VIDEO… “Secret Agent Man 107”

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Thought this was a “cute” video by Jetson! [Kp note: the original video was taken down by Jetson and replaced with this one, which has a new ending.] .

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Hawaii Free Speech News 8-31-21 VIDEO… “Josh Green protest… (and more lockdowns from the Oahu mayor?)” (or, “the Hawaii ds must be getting very desperate”)

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Found this new video on the HFSN Bitchute channel today. One part that stood out is at about 1:40, where a short news clip is played showing the mayor of Oahu (home of Honolulu) announcing more cv restrictions. All I … Continue reading

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Some VIDEOs of Interest that I have viewed recently (as of 9-1-21)…

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These were three I viewed today (8-31-21). The Tarot by Janine was fascinating (if you enjoy “God” and/or “rods”), but the Joseph P. Anthony (and Twin Soul girls) video looks into the energies of September and October, which will likely … Continue reading

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Here are some beautiful views of the Minnesota Lake house, where I (Kp) have stayed many times (posted 9-1-21)…

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The owners, who have “permitted” me to stay there several times, had this Zillow listing created. The property is called “Rockwell Estate”. The Zillow link (below) has a collection of wonderful images of the house, the property, and the lake, … Continue reading

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210831 Kp Message… “What I’m ‘Sensing’… Knowing One’s Place”

210831 Kp Message… “What I’m ‘Sensing’… Knowing One’s Place” This message came through right now, and I felt was to go out now. I’m sending that others may tune into this as well… .

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Another Fabulous Day down Viator Way!

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Outstanding Mayan mocha by Stephanie… And the deliciously flaky home made peach pop tart tops it off wonderfully!! Great to be outside in this beautiful place!!

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Tarot by Janine 8-30-21 VIDEO… “What are we Seeing with the Ds Global Agenda? BTS Look at the Script Being Played – What to Expect!”

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This one has quite a few drops about things coming out about ds issues and major reveals. And it feels like the end of “the movie”. She got that the Movie ends after a period of “dreariness” (gut punch), but … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 8-30-21… “More Rats Abandoning the Biden Ship”

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New weekly report from Ben. Many things are falling apart. “The degeneration of the United States under the fake Biden regime has reached the point where many staunch allies are abandoning it. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is turning out … Continue reading

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Kp Note 8-30-21… “Being very ‘careful and respectful’ of my Energies at this time”

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As I’m journeying through this current planetary timeline, I’m finding that I have a deep desire to be very ‘careful and respectful’ of my Energies at this time. I’m not posting as much as I “could”, and that is perfectly … Continue reading

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Charlie Freak, Two (2) VIDEOs: “The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z” (posted on the Kp Rumble)

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I was speaking to someone at Charlotte’s Coffee House on Friday, and I recalled these videos that I felt would help her understand some of the scope of what’s currently going on, and DJT’s role in it. But I realized … Continue reading

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Lorie Ladd 8-27-21 VIDEO… “Late Night Message For You”

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Listened to this yesterday, and it was, I felt, “right” for the current moment. .

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LifesiteNews 7-26-21… “47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for C.V.. and 32 more confirm their negative health effects” (via Michael Jaco VIDEO)

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For some reason I felt this was to be posted immediately. I watched a bit of Michael Jaco’s 8-27-21 video, and at around 11 minutes he mentioned this article. I’m posting the full text of the article, with links. There’s … Continue reading

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A Couple short videos of possible interest… Charlie Ward “Things are Happening” & “French anti-v Dining out”

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I listened to each of these, and loved the people of France “dining out” outside of “v-people-only may enter” bars and restaurants. Charlie announced that during the 7 days (posted on 8-22) “Things are happening”. We shall see what comes … Continue reading

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Abrien Aguirre, Hawaii Free Speech News 8-26-21 VIDEO… “Josh Green [Lt. Gov. of Hawaii state] Hypocrisy”

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This is one that “stood out” strongly to me. Dr. Josh Green, Lt. Gov. of Hawaii state, has (in my view) clearly been either a) taken over by the “deep state”, or b) taken over by the “White Hats”, who … Continue reading

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(Three) Tarot by Janine 8-26-21 VIDEOs… one with Catherine Edwards

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A lot of questions answered in the first video. She also comments on Negative 48 and who he might be. . “Another really positive reading – we hope you all feel uplifted and supported after this.”

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Hawaii Free Speech News VIDEO channel… One place to see what’s going on (for freedom) in Hawaii…

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[Kp note about these videos: some of them are pretty intense, but I like to remember that we may continue Holding the Light for all those involved in these events (protests, marches, education, etc.), and for the Planetary process through … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 8-23-21… “Afghan Withdrawal Signals Start of New Anti-Cabal Offensive”

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Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Things are “not as they appear”, according to this week’s report. And check out Ben’s photos from the Vancouver airport. “The collapse of U.S. rule in Afghanistan is the start of a major … Continue reading

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Santa Surfing 8-24-21 VIDEO(s)… “Fear News galore! 8kun on the V.x! God is in control! Focus and Faith!”

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Today’s video really had several “key” points that I’ve seen elsewhere. Go to about 4 minutes to see a cartoon from the ’30s that describes what the deep state plan was to get us v-ed and control the population. At … Continue reading

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Kp Note 8-24-21… Several Videos posted in the last several days…

These may have some messages of relevance and/or assistance for some, during these current times. Pardon, but I’ve just not been motivated to make playlists from them yet. I’m dealing with a few important “family” items that need to be … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 8-23-21… “Afghan Withdrawal Signals Start of New Anti-Cabal Offensive”

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New weekly report from Ben. Things are “not as they appear”, according to this week’s report. “The collapse of U.S. rule in Afghanistan is the start of a major new offensive against the Khazarian Mafia, Pentagon sources say. The story … Continue reading

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Utsava Update 8-22-21… “Trump’s return – Think positive – Changes are coming!”

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This came in today (8-22). Positive message. As before, I’m only posting a few highlights, with the full articles available via subscription. Feel free to discern for yourself regarding this information. The full articles are available to those who subscribe … Continue reading

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Lorie Ladd 8-22-21 VIDEO… “Important Global Message!”

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Another very centered and (my view) helpful message for this time. .

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Tarot by Janine 8-22-21 VIDEO… “How to stay calm, grounded, Spiritually Connected, in an Inverted World”

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This is a very helpful video, in my view. Several have pointed out this one. Especially important, as I have often noted, is to remain centered in, and true to, Higher Inner Self, Higher Inner Guidance, .

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