Author Archives: kauilapele2

Benjamin Fulford 10-4-21… “Biden regime defaults; is given until October 18th before all hell breaks loose”

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New weekly report from Ben. Much activity is going on, for sure. “The fake “Biden” regime in the US defaulted on September 30th and has been given until October 18th before the plug is finally pulled on that evil regime, … Continue reading

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via Dani Henderson 10-1-21 VIDEO… “Galactic Informers Roundtable with Alex Collier, Elena Danaan, Megan Rose…”

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I saw this via someone else sending the link to me (GV, KF, EW, Kp-Brasil, ??), and felt drawn to listen to it, especially the Alex Collier portion that starts at 51:33. Very helpful I found, this video to be. … Continue reading

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Project Veritas VIDEOs 10-3-21… “Veritas Army takes to local radio stations [re] Part 4 coming Monday!” & “TOMORROW [10-4-21] 8PM”

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These videos are preludes to tomorrow’s release of disclosure from a Pfizer PV insider. It is (to me) a wonderful view of how “the Alliance” people and groups are trolling the deep state players. The second video is a very … Continue reading

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211003 Kp Driving Message 2… “Choosing the ‘beyond normal’ World”

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211003 Kp Driving Message 1… “Harvest has started… no more ‘normal’… Going towards a New Path”

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211001 Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs playlist… “3’s & 1’s and Blessing the ‘Foods'”

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Just like the title says. And here’s a link to Tarot by Janine’s foods reading, which I mentioned in the 2nd video. . Click for a list of individual videos

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210921-0929 Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs playlist… “Harvest Time… Hold the Light”

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Messages from the last days of September. . Click for a list of individual videos

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211001 Kp Driving Message 2… “About ‘foods’ and ‘Blessing one’s foods'” Link to Tarot by Janine’s “Deep Dive into foods” video reading.

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211001 Kp Driving Message 1… “333 & Lots of 1’s… Closing outs and bringing in the New”

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210929 Kp Message… “Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Important to ‘Hold the Light’ now”

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210927 Kp Driving Message… “Harvest is Ready… Releasing the Old”

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210923 Kp Driving Message… “In the Tunnel of Light… Enjoy the Show”

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210921 Kp Driving Message… “On the way to Viator”

I’m posting a few videos I’ve made during the past 11 days, and this is the first. Felt like the messages were asking to be “put out there” now… (the rest will be posted in the next few hours, AFTER … Continue reading

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Kp Message 9-30-21… “A ‘Sense’: the Magic Carpet Ride is about to begin”

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…and I cannot say exactly what that ride will be like. This was just the Presence I felt right now that this “ride” we are currently on is going to go faster and faster and faster and higher and higher … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 9-27-21… ““Biden” controllers sue for peace after secret East/West agreement”

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Here is the full weekly report from Ben. And I’ve even added a few highlights. I must say, that the information Ben provides here is certainly most “uplifting” and “energizing”. Also, I noticed the image number I used for this … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of Interest that I have viewed recently (as of 9-28-21)… (including Tarot by Janine, HFSN, MajicEyesQnly)

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Several videos I’ve viewed recently, and I’d say that the two that are from “Majic Eyes Qnly (Rumble video page) were the most unveiling for myself. I may do a separate post with just those videos, and/or the document he … Continue reading

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Kp Message 9-28-21 (early AM)… “Nothing of ‘the old’ resonates anymore”

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Boy, that’s for sure. I’m finding it extremely difficult to keep doing what I’ve been doing, and feel “at peace” with it. These things just don’t connect anymore. Don’t feel like they are part of the current, now moment, “me”. … Continue reading

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Project Veritas VIDEO 9-27-21… “PART 3: Johnson & Johnson: ‘Kids Shouldn’t Get A F***** [COVID] Vaccine;’ There are “Unknown Repercussions””

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Continuing exposure by PV. Rumble link. “Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’ … Want to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 9-27-21… ““Biden” controllers sue for peace after secret East/West agreement”

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New weekly report from Ben. “[Will do Later]” —————————————————————————— “Biden” controllers sue for peace after secret East/West agreement by Benjamin Fulford, September 27, 2021 The controllers of the fake regime of “Joe Biden” are suing for peace, according to P3 … Continue reading

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MAJIC EYES QNLY (a channel I’ve somehow connected with) VIDEO 9-4-21… “The Matrix is getting turned off; those asleep will be awakened… New Majestic 12 Telegram posts”

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This is something (and someone) I somehow recently connected with, and it was this video, the first one of his I watched, that hit some marks within my resonance field. All I can say here is that I “could not … Continue reading

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As of 9-25-21, many challenges sleeping, paying attention to “falling apart” things…

Keeping this very short as it’s now about 4 AM. But I’ve noticed that what’s mentioned in the title is happening in my world. So much is now beginning to “fall apart” with the deep state, and all old paradigm … Continue reading

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Dave Waterbury VIDEO 9-21-21… “Juan O Savin – DISCLOSURES and FREEDOM UPDATE”

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This video encapsulates and summarizes what’s going on, via a variety of sources, nicely assembled into a short video. Hold on tight ; The next 2 weeks will be historic. We must go thru this rough period to get rid … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 9-20-21… “Biblical floods or world peace; which is it to be?”

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Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. There is quite a bit of perhaps helpful intel here, although some of it is more than I care to “pay attention” to. “The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic … Continue reading

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Project Veritas VIDEO 9-22-21… “PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants… ‘Registry’ for Unvaccinated”

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More exposure. And a glimpse into the “thought process” of (I’m sure) many people working for the FDA, CDC, and those who are opposing “free choice” regarding health decisions. My view is to “Shine the Light” on all of these … Continue reading

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Juan O Savin VIDEO discussion with Michael Jaco 9-20-21… (and a Jetson White summary) (and a small tour of Mar-a-Lago))

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I felt strongly to listen to the full interview, after first finding the Jetson White one. I’m posting the Jetson White summary video first, and the full JoS/MJ interview below that. We’ll see where all of this goes. It does … Continue reading

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Hawaii Free Speech News 9-22-21 VIDEO… “Waikiki Mega March 4.0” (from 9-18-21)

This video is about the “mega march” on 9-18-21, and it certainly goes along with the last Kp blog post, which covered the “Mandate Free March” in Maui, on the same day. I found this video very uplifting, and illustrates … Continue reading

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Happenings on Maui (particularly the “Mandate Free Maui” march on 9-18-21)

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This was pointed out in the latest Santa Surfing update, so I searched a little bit and found a few articles and videos. People of Maui, businesses, professionals in medicine and education, are waking up, baby! It’s happening. Here are … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 9-20-21… “Biblical floods or world peace; which is it to be?”

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New weekly report from Ben. Pardon for the “day late” delivery. All I can sense from the full article, is that there’s quite a bit of perhaps helpful intel here. “The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic … Continue reading

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210919 Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs playlist… “Mississippi ‘Unblocking the Flow’ Mission”

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This mission was to assist in clearing energetic blockages and aligning the energetics along the Mississippi. Three points were guided to me for ceremony, the last one involving crossing the Mississippi from Iowa (Dubuque) to Wisconsin (3a), and then from … Continue reading

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Project Veritas (BOMBSHELL) VIDEOs 9-20-21… “PT 1: Fed. Gov. HHS Whistleblower Goes Public w/ Secret Recordings “V…… is Full of Sh*t””

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These are definitely bombshell type videos. It’s not all all amazing (to me at least) that this is happening. This is a strong exposé of the pharma-industrial-profit-making complex, and illustrates how this “forced/mandatory v scenario” is falling apart. I’ve placed … Continue reading

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