Author Archives: kauilapele2

David Wilcock Tweet 11-30-31… “David and Elizabeth are on their new paths”

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Received this message today. Elizabeth sent the same image. Blessings to and for both of them. — David Wilcock (@david_wilcock) November 30, 2021

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211129 Kp Driving Message 2… “Holiday Lights & Watching the ‘Judgment Language'”

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211129 Kp Driving Message 1… “Unique Clouds and What’s Happening”

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211127 Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs playlist… “Mississippi Mission”

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This mission was intended to bring an upgraded and clearer and higher vibration connection for the waters of the Mississippi, and eventually, throughout the Turtle Island waters energies system. This was the first point. . Click for a list … Continue reading

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Kp Message 11-30-21… “Not posting much for now”

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Not posting much for now. Going through a lot of emotional releases. Also some images popped up on my iPhone that had to do with the islands. I’m very much missing the islands right now. Aloha, Kp

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Benjamin Fulford 11-29-21… “Babylon will babble on but, to no avail”

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New weekly report from Ben. Among many items here, this image of covid survival rates is striking and perhaps will help people see the obvious. “You can almost taste the fear in the mouths of the Khazarian mafia leadership as … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford will be posted later… This is why…

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Yes, I’m enjoying this beautiful new day with a Mayan mocha at Viator… By Jeremy!! Aloha, Kp

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Tarot by Janine 11-28-21 VIDEO… “Tarot by Janine Looks at How to Navigate the Coming Season with Family and Potential Exclusions”

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Yes, this one also formed a “bright” spot in my day (evening?). I’m sure one or two may be facing such things this year. My Guidance is to “Follow Higher Inner Guidance” and refrain from falling into the “You’ve got … Continue reading

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Two short videos (as of 11-28-21) that “Lit up” something within me, from Lorie Ladd and Psychic LJ

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Loved these messages. Lorie explains quite nicely about “being in the matrix (web)” and how breaking free from the matrix (web) does not mean we are to denigrate those who are not yet free. The Psychic LJ is from 11-15-21. … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 11-24-21… “The Five – November 24th, 2021”

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There’s several items covered in this intel message, somewhat related to the Rittenhouse soap opera. Starts with the “main” intel at around 30 minutes. Also, for those interested, Tarot by Janine commented on Phil’s Intel in the first 15 minutes … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 11-23-21 (2) VIDEOs… “Q&A with Catherine Edwards (and cats)” & “Deep Dive into the Situation with the Flooding in Western North America!”

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I found both of these videos “fascinatingly fun” to listen to. The first is with Catherine Edwards (YouTube channel) and the second is a deep dive with Ashley. In the first one, they refer to a Phil Godlewsky update, which … Continue reading

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Cobra Update(s) 11-23-21… “A Short Notice to the Surface Population” & “Divine Intervention Activation, December 21st, 2021”

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These two parts came out on 11-23-21. Due to interference, the process was “upgraded to reflect [the] new situation”. Use one’s Higher Guidance on what one’s role is in this. I have followed mine. “There was simply too much interference … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-22-21… “Western world revolts against Satanic ruling class”

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Full weekly report from Ben. There’s some parts in here that are not for the “faint of heart” (and I did not watch the enclosed video). “There is a massive attack taking place against the Satanic ruling cabal in most … Continue reading

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Some may have an interest in this reading into Australia and New Zealand. …Tarot by Janine… does a reading where she looks in on the situation with Australia and New Zealand… . If you would like to support … Continue reading

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211119 Kp Driving Message 2… “Continuing challenges; Beautiful Views”

Posting a few of the videos and messages I’ve done during the past week. Perhaps there’s something here for a few. .

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211119 Kp Driving Message 1… “Two black helicopters”

Posting a few of the videos and messages I’ve done during the past week. Perhaps there’s something here for a few. Never seen black helicopters here before. .

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211117 Kp Driving Message 2… “The Pressure is Squeezing out Great New Things”

Posting a few of the videos and messages I’ve done during the past week. Perhaps there’s something here for a few. .

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211117 Kp Driving Message 1… “Releasing the Sleepers and the Sleepiness”

Posting a few of the videos and messages I’ve done during the past week. Perhaps there’s something here for a few. .

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Juan O Savin & Delora O Brien Roundtable “THE SPIRITUAL CHESS GAME” (11-22-21)

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“Occupying” where you plant your feet = “Governing/Caretaking” the Energies, BEing in the Higher Vibration where you are at. I’ve often been pointing out that many of us are in a specific location to do just that. Go to about … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 11-22-21 VIDEO… “CANADA/UK UPDATE: Not All Appears As It Is! Will People Push Back? Are People Waking Up?”

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Some of you may have an interest in this reading into Canada and the UK. Also, she continues encouraging a “nose up” attitude as we go through these times. I enjoyed this one very much! …Tarot by Janine… does a … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 11-22-21… “Western world revolts against Satanic ruling class”

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New weekly report from Ben. “There is a massive attack taking place against the Satanic ruling cabal in most Western countries. This is being seen in mass demonstrations, military moves and criminal prosecutions. “…huge demonstrations in Italy, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, … Continue reading

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Kp Message 11-22-21… “I BE true to my own Higher Inner Self”

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I felt that something was to “come out” through my mind and heart and fingers, here at 0418. So here’s what it is… Many times recently I’ve been “feeling” like I’m going through an immense series of “Holy crap what’s … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 11-20-21… “Q&A – November 20th, 2021”

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Whoa!!! I really loved this Q&A. A lot of points came out. The Q&A part starts at about 30 minutes. Suggest playing at 1.5-2x speed as his delivery is sometimes (always?) slow and deliberate. And feel free to please use … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of possible interest (as of 11-21-21) ( x22Report, Lorie Ladd, McAllisterTV (Wizard of Oz decode))

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Viewed all of these today, and found each to have elements of Illumination in them. The last one, from McAllister TV, is a decoding of the Wizard of Oz, including pointing out the symbolism the deep state illuminati has been … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of possible interest (as of 11-20-21) (Lorie Ladd, Tarot by Janine, Rachel Hamm)

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These three “struck” me today. I very much related to what Lorie had to say, Tarot by Janine gave an uplifting type news report on the US, and Rachel describes the “timeline flip” we are about to go through. The … Continue reading

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FreakSense TV 11-19-21… “Just the Greatest Movie Ever Told – MSMedia Reveals the Movie”

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I do not often call things, “brilliant”, but this is one video that I feel indeed is “brilliant”. And it shows how the MSM “talking heads” are now unveiling the movie… (likely because they’ve been “forced” into unveiling it). It … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 11-16-21… “Divine Intervention Activation Update and Videos” (plus petition update)

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The Divine Intervention Activation is taking place on 12-21-21. I’ve yet to post that article, but was alerted to the prior preparatory meditations that are being held on 11-19-21 (lunar eclipse) and 12-4-21 (solar eclipse). Here is what the Cobra … Continue reading

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A Couple of Phil’s (Godlewski, that is)… “Current Events 11-17-21” & “Rapid Fire 6”

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These two I listened to, but I’d say the Current Events one had two key intel points that have potential to “blow certain minds open”. Go to about 50:00 for the first one, and 1 hr. 10 min. for the … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-15-21… “Khazarian mafia hide in bunkers as war is declared”

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Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. In addition to this, Tarot by Janine brought this up in this video, and the cards got that the declaration by the Queen was a dark hat “surrender” statement (covered in the first … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of possible interest (as of 11-17-21) (including Project Veritas, April Moss, Simon Parkes)

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Here’s a few more videos that resonated. I’m placing my own notes above each video. The only note I will add is that I always follow Higher Inner Discernment about any of these videos. Project Veritas: the first is an … Continue reading

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