Author Archives: kauilapele2

Benjamin Fulford 12-27-21… “Mafia assassins descend on Rome to avenge murder of Pope Francis”

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New weekly report from Ben. Suggest reading with discernment (I had a challenging time putting this up today, for some reason). “The Pope was killed and replaced because he was against the ongoing vaccine campaign, they add. “The war against … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 12-26-21… “V– : The Trump Support”

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Very nice presentation about the V and how it was to fit into Agenda 21, and how Trump’s verbiage about the V has indeed benefited humanity, in light of the deep state’s plan. Tarot by Janine mentioned this in her … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 12-26-21 VIDEO… “Tarot by Janine Shares what she’s been Watching, and Looks at some Phil Intel”

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This was an excellent update (my view) from Janine. She also references the recent Clif High video (related Kp Blog post) and Phil’s 12-26 video update (I’ll post that one next). “Tarot By Janine Shares The Latest Video’s She’s been … Continue reading

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Just listened to this and felt the message strongly, and it resonated. See how it resonates with you! .


Whiplash347 (on Telegram) 12-25-21… “A few posts with promise for the (near?) future”

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I’ve been “attracted” to Whiplash347 (on Telegram) for quite some weeks now… Something deeply resonates, for myself. According to this recent Restored Republic post: “Julian Assange has been in the Federal Witness Protection Program and he is going home. He … Continue reading

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SteamerGirl (Red Pill News) Two (2)12-24-21 VIDEOs re: Trump and the V’s (from Clif High & Mr. Truthbomb)

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Happened to run across these at SteamerGirl on Rumble (Red Pill News), and the short clips (from original videos) connected some of the multi-layer operations that the Alliance has to play. Original video source (from Clif’s Bitchute channel) … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 12-20-21… “Winter solstice to trigger big changes”

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Full weekly report from Ben. Suggest reading with care. And discernment (the report does state that Assange has passed away). “With the hybrid world war III raging towards planetary liberation, it is time to think about what victory will look … Continue reading

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Full article Benjamin Fulford 12-20-21 will be coming out at 0808 CST (1408 UTC)

Just like the title says… It’s coming. I will be horizontal when it does.

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211223 Kp VIDEOs playlist… “Ceremony for Mother”

My Mother’s transition day is two years ago today (she passed 12-23-19). Thanks (in part) to my mother and father’s support, I have been able to perform and complete my missions here on this planet. This is a short playlist … Continue reading

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I cried when I saw the first few minutes of this video… so so beautiful. I’m shortly going to my parents’ cemetery to celebrate the day of my mother’s passing, and this really fits in with the Christmas celebrations I’ve … Continue reading


About the full Ben Fulford… (posted on 12-23-21)

I’m feeling very challenged at the moment and I am not going to put up the full report yet. I thought I’d prepared it, but I hadn’t. And I will not put myself through it now. My Mother’s transition day … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 12-21-21… “The Transition”

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Fascinating information, and practical points about handling “the transition”. Intel starts at ~36:30. 0:36+ Discusses Trump supporting vaccines (really?). 1:06 Talks about transitioning through this process. Key points… a) consolidation (through next 45 days). Media (etc.) is being consolidated). Banking … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 12-21-21… “GR+, DREAMLAND v0.0 operational” (which apparently means, “We did it!”)

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[Kp update: related to this, Cobra had this 2012 article about “Dreamland” (Thanks to another KP for that link.)] Well, according to many commenters, we have reached whatever needed to be reached. I’m sure the Cobra site will have more … Continue reading

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Mahalo (Thank You) to all…

For participating in the Divine Intervention Activation meditation today…. Aloha, Kp

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A guided meditation video for today’s Divine Intervention Activation meditation (from We Love Mass Meditation)

Some may wish to use this guided meditation for today’s meditation. I like this one. .

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Cobra Update 12-20-21… “Divine Intervention Activation Countdown”

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[Kp update: regarding videos to use, one may find a selection on this page, and see which suits your Spirit. Personally, I find this shorter one to be my favorite, but there are many to choose from. (PS… if you … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 12-20-21… “Winter solstice to trigger big changes”

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New weekly report from Ben. Suggest reading with care. And discernment (the report states that Assange has passed away). “With the hybrid world war III raging towards planetary liberation, it is time to think about what victory will look like. … Continue reading

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Kp Message 12-20-21… “It feels as if we are ‘Close to the Edge'” (Looking forward to the party!!)

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[Kp note : thanks to RG for pointing out that the date for solstice is 12-21-21 (not 12-21-22)] I will not claim to know exactly what that means. Several I’ve posted (Janine, Phil, others) have mentioned the same thing. I … Continue reading

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Kp Note 12-20-21… “About the blog being ‘slow'”

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A few have mentioned the loading of pages is slow. Yes, I know about that. I do not believe anyone is trying to “shadow ban” anything. There are issues, one of which (I believe) is that I’m still carrying along … Continue reading

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Three (3) VIDEOs… a Tarot by Janine 12-19-21 (“USA Update…”), a Phil 12-18-21 (“The Stage is Set”), and a “Snowy Janine (with updates)”

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The first two videos kind of “go together”, as far as possibilities of being “right at the edge” of major changes (financial, etc.) and Trump returning in January. Janine’s snow-filled video was quite beautiful, with a bit of intel, Christmas … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 12-17-21… “Divine Intervention Activation Update”

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Some may be interested in the information posted here. “This is already well over 144,000 signatures needed, and a certain exopolitical protocol will be initialized at the moment of our meditation at 4 pm UTC on December 21st… “…our main … Continue reading

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Kp Message 12-19-21… “Basically, I don’t know ‘What’s going on’ and, right now, ‘I’m not paying any attention to it'”

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I watched a couple videos today, and although got some information from one of them, in the end, I felt like what the title says, “I don’t know ‘What’s going on’ and, right now, I don’t care” (aka, ‘I’m not … Continue reading

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211216 Kp Driving Message… “New Connections in the Sun” The website I referred to is this one:

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One more post (on 12-17-21)… “The has reached 6,000,000 views!”

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Well, that’s a great surprise! Just realized it tonight. Thank you to all who come here, and (possibly) get something from it. It’s been, and continues to be, a wonderful ride with all of you!! Aloha, Kp

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Kp Message 12-17-21… “Are we ‘astonished’ yet?”

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Well, I saw this image (taken on 11-12-17) and it kind of seemed to fit with the current state of the apocalypse (aka, unveilings) going on right now. Yes, many things are being unveiled, a bit at a time, about … Continue reading

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Kp Message 12-16-21… “Strong Energies, Long Nights, with many Dreams”

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Been experiencing long nights with many dreams. It’s been greatly challenging. 3D items have also been rather challenging, internally. I really feel I’ve no time for those. Consciously I’m letting all of it pass, for now. Including these so – … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 12-13-21… “Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde turned, in major white hat victory”

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Full weekly report from Ben. Very “positive” news via Benjamin. [Kp note: I added a comma in the title, as that appears to clarify the meaning.] “The coalition fighting to liberate the planet earth from Satanic control scored a major … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 12-15-21 Two (2) VIDEOs… w/ Catherine Edwards, “Animals, Shortages, Lockdowns & Sports Updates!” & w/ Jean Claude, “Livestream readings”

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I’m posting these videos, as one comes from the UK, the other, from Canada, and overall both together address a variety of “things happening”. Phil’s latest video was mentioned in one of the videos. Some points from these videos which … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 12-13-21… “The Tribunals”

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This Phil was pretty unveiling, showing data and intel that, yes, indeed, there are tribunals going on in that foreign country, DC. Start at about 16 minutes to skip the intro. I suggest listening at 1.5 – 2x speed, as … Continue reading

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Kp Message 12-15-21… “I’m here to BE with (and work with) The Energies… Nothing else matters”

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This image is from Kauai in November, 2016… five years ago. Seemed to fit the energies I’m feeling at the moment (5’s are coming into my view a lot these days). There are quite a few energetic type “items” floating … Continue reading

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