Author Archives: kauilapele2

Benjamin Fulford 3-7-22… “EU negotiating surrender to Russia, fake Biden government doomed”

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New weekly report from Ben. “The EU or Nazi fourth Reich, knows it is checkmated and is trying to negotiate a surrender to Russia, multiple sources confirm… the fake Biden regime in the US will also have to surrender or … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski 3-6-22… “SOTU – March 6th, 2022” LIVE

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[Kp update: I found that this is still viewable on Twitch (click that link to go to where it starts (I still do not see this on Rumble)).] Ok this is live, but I’m not seeing on Rumble. So suggest … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 3-5-22 VIDEO… “David Wilcock: Urgent Global Peace Meditation March 2022”

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I tuned in a couple times as it was live, but something “pushed myself away” from listening live. But as I listened to this on my drive home today, I felt the messages from David are very well “worth” the … Continue reading

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220306 Kp Driving Message 2… “Staying in the ‘High Light Intentions’ is important right now”

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220306 Kp Driving Message 1… “Withdrawing from the ‘Gotta see everything’ paradigm”

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il Donaldo Trumpo 3-4-22 VIDEO… “The beginning of the end… OF THEIR… NETWORKS!!!”

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I loved this very short compilation of msm BS, and illustrations of how the msm has become a “narrative pusher”, and not actual journalism. The people who put these videos together are fabulous (in my view)!!!…-of-their-friggin-networks.html

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McAllister TV 3-4-22 VIDEO… “Banned! Crowley! Kilmer! Stallone! Greta! Genetically Engineered Baphomets!”

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I do not view this channel (Rumble channel) very often (as some of the videos are just “disturbingly intense”), but this one “popped up” and it is a quite extensive compilation of the many people who (apparently) have committed themselves … Continue reading

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220302 Kp Driving Message 2… “Great Gene Decode & Releasing ‘Obsessions'”

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220302 Kp Driving Message 1… “Feeling the pressure; Enjoying the Show”

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Telegram posts that may be of Interest (2-26-22 through 3-2-22)

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These are some more that I felt were to be shared. There are quite a number of posts here, and I feel each should use their own Higher Inner Guidance as to what applies to/for them. Text only. For viewer … Continue reading

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Utsava Update 3-2-22… “The Flip – War scenario is about to happen!” (highlights)

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I’m posting highlights of this, along with several other items (see previous posts), as I feel we are very very very very very very very very close to “The Flip”, as Utsava calls it. Tarot by Janine has also mentioned … Continue reading

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USMC-CryptoRedNeck 3-1-22 VIDEO… “Nino’s Corner… Juan O Savin, Russia, Cold War 2.0 (2-28-22)”

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This one I started to view on YouTube but then it was taken down (usually Nino does that), but then this person put it on his Bitchute channel. I felt the message from JoS was clear, that we are heading … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 3 VIDEOs of (possible) interest (as of 3-2-22)…

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These are three that I have found “intel-interesting”. The first one (I believe) she mentions the latest Phil (Kp blog post; Substack), and the others are discussions of events, etc. . .

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Turn the Page with Janine 3-1-22 VIDEO… “Gene Decode 03.01.22 Current Event Updates” (OUTSTANDING!! (in my view))

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This is an amazing description of many things. DUMBS, etc, including Gene saying that “cryptos” are based on the word “crypt”. Says to hold physical gold and silver is the best bet. Wow!! Lots of other information here. I felt … Continue reading

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My favorite 2 videos for assisting the “Joy – Fun” vibration (via The Kiffness)

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Yes, these are the ones. The first is my most often watched (love the dancing, love the music, love the cat), and the second one, with throat singing, is my second (especially the Asian guy, who I expected would have … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski 3-1-22… “Mission [accomplished]” (and Kp notes)

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This video relates what Phil did in his mission (see this Kp blog post; Kp Substack). My notes are below the video, for those who may not care to watch the video. “Phil discusses current events, his role in 2022, … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-28-22… “Humanity is Being Liberated as White Hat Alliance Goes on the Offensive”

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Full weekly report from Ben. Fascinating, particularly the reminder about Ukraine and it’s “not registered” borders… therefore the “Russia invasion” is nothing of the sort, but is rather a police action by Russia. “The Russian and Jewish people are finally … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski Telegram post of 2-28-22… “I have been summoned… to lead a very complex, very covert operation to restore the Republic of America to it’s people”

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Thanks to Kim who forwarded this to me. I found it very interesting (and I will not say exactly what that means). Feel free to take a read. He refers to a video message, which I believe is the one … Continue reading

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Utsava Updates 2-27,28-22… “Biden is toast!” & “Everything is flipping right now…and will come to a standstill soon” (highlights)

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These last two posts from Utsava I found very interesting. Anyway, I suggest, take the best (what resonates) and leave the rest… follow that Higher Inner Discernment! I’m only posting highlights. The full articles are available for those who subscribe … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 2-28-22… “Humanity is Being Liberated as White Hat Alliance Goes on the Offensive”

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[Kp update: the image links have been corrected, so they may now be viewed by clicking on “IMAGE”.] New weekly report from Ben. Fascinating, particularly the reminder about Ukraine and it’s “not registered” borders… therefore the “Russia invasion” is nothing … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford will be posted later…

I have many items to deal with today so I’ll post later. In the meantime, suggest going to

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Cobra Update 2-21-22… “Urgent Short Message to the Surface Population”

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This Cobra I felt was important to post. And in particular the meditations he suggests for all who feel led. “…the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for restoring peace to Ukraine, … Continue reading

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Telegram posts that may be of Interest (as of 2-27-22)

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I felt these are to be shared. There are quite a number of posts here, and I feel each should use their own Higher Inner Guidance as to what applies to/for them. Text only. For viewer potential interest only. The … Continue reading

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VIDEOs (and an article) all about the Ukraine situation (as of 2-27-22)

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These are four videos that have run across my field: LOOKING INTO THE UKRAINE CRISIS! DS PLAYGROUND – SHADOW CONFLICT COMING TO THE SURFACE! WHAT NEXT? [Tarot by Janine] Michelle Fielding Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin DONBASS SITREP DAYZ+5 … Continue reading

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Kp Message 2-26-22… “BEing the Rainbow BEings that we are”

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Sometimes I “try and try” to post things, and just cannot seem to “get into it”. And that’s when I realize that it is not for me to “try and try”. That’s where I have been for most of today. … Continue reading

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220225 Kp Driving Message… “Enjoying the Sun; Enjoying the ‘Waves'”

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Telegram posts that may be of Interest (as of 2-25-22)

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Text only. For viewer potential interest only. The name of the poster is on the first line. Enjoy the reading. [Kp caveat: Let me be clear… I do not have any idea who these people are, whether any of their … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 2-24-22… “The Transcript” (plus a Q&A from 2-18-22)

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Listened to this one live yesterday, and was quite amazed with this information. Much of this is now “out there” on the internets. But I enjoyed this one, as well as the 2-18 Q&A (2nd video). I know many may … Continue reading

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Jean-Claude @BeyondMystic 2-24-22 VIDEO “UKRAINE SPECIAL REPORT” (with Janine)

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This was from earlier today (2-24). I also felt it was important (helpful) to Hold the Light for all, as these messages are conveyed. Suggest follow Higher Inner Discernment about these. .

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220223 Kp Driving Message 2… “Staying in the Higher (positive) Light”

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