Author Archives: kauilapele2

Kp Message 12-24-22… “Continuing the process, wrapping up final pieces, on the way Home”

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I’m not sure why I am writing this, but something wants to be written. I’ve been finding it difficult to maintain a “Higher Vibration” flow as I’m finishing up items with the house. At this point nothing is going simply … Continue reading

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221219 Kp Driving Message 2… “No matter ‘the Intel’, Stand Tall and Free from Fear”

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221219 Kp Driving Message 1… “Being ‘safe’ in the Light”

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A Couple of “Intel type” VIDEOs of interest… from SGAnon and Phil G and Michael Jaco

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I listened to all three of these today. I found the SGAnon and Phil G ones to be quite fascinating. Both can be watched at 1.5 – 2x. Essentially, one says “the Ebola” is the next “scare” event, and the … Continue reading

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221217 Kp Driving Message… “Planetary Energetics… Strong Changes”

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221216 Kp Driving Message 2… “Holding the Intent for what we want to happen”

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221216 Kp Driving Message 1… “The Huna Flash message and the Maui 666 mission” Here’s the Huna Flash video.

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221214 Kp Driving Message 2… “The 4VKM video; Avoiding the Traps” Relates to this 4VKM video.

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221214 Kp Driving Message 1… “Doing the Unexplainable” Catching up on past videos.

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VIDEOs (several) of possible interest (as of 12-15-22)…

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Some may have interest in these. ———————————————– Got a lot about my next mission, and the reasons I’m going back to the islands, from the video below… Ismael Perez, Huna Flash & Catherine Edwards LIVE: Ancient Wisdom Modern Solutions . … Continue reading

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221210 Kp Driving Message 3… “Taking care of one’s own Arena”

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221210 Kp Driving Message 2… “Train Comm?” The train was waiting to pass through the crossing, off to the right. Is the “Trump train” ready to come through?

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221210 Kp Driving Message 1… “Holding the Fort”

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221209 Kp Driving Message 2… “Slogging through the 3D”

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221209 Kp Driving Message 1… “Short Update”

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Kp Message 12-7-22… “Release the old self, discover and receive the New Self”

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Many times I receive communications, and feel the desire to post it. Usually it happens around 2-5 AM… just like this one. There are energies with us now that I feel are here to “push” us out of the former … Continue reading

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VIDEOs (several) of possible interest (as of 12-3-22)…

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Some may have interest in these. ———————————————– Summary of items “going on”… Dave Waterbury, USA’s CHRISTMAS GIFT will be IT’S RESTORED FREEDOM – Condensed ———————————————– QNewsPatriot… “Angela Taken Down (Again) | Turkey Running Pre-Op Sorties | Brazil Military … Continue reading

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221202 Kp Driving Message… “Enjoying ‘the Rest’ and staying True to Higher Inner Self”

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221130 Kp Driving Message 2… “Moving with Mauna Loa”

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221130 Kp Driving Message 1… “Moving with Mauna Loa”

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Kp Note 12-1-22… “I have to rest”

Worked all month on special project. Just finished yesterday. Body feels extremely drained. For the time being, there’ll be NO posting of anything (most likely). Aloha, Kp

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Kp Message 12-1-22… “Major items (and completions) are occurring”

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I’m just passing along a short message here, that there is much occurring on many levels at the same time. The most important (in my view, at least) are the “energetic ones”. Each body of Light is taking care of … Continue reading

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VIDEOs (3) of possible interest… Tarot by Janine/Tom Numbers/Jaco, Juan O Savin re: Supreme Court Case, Mauna Loa Eruption

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Some may have interest in these. ———————————————– . ———————————————– Helpful to listen to this short video summary of “the case”. Juan and three ladies… ———————————————– Essential message from the video below… “Time for Kp to return…” … Continue reading

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221125 Kp Driving Message 2… “Happenings above and below the surface”

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221125 Kp Driving Message 1… “Illusions being brought out”

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VIDEOs (3) of interest (from 11-22,24,26)… JeanClaude/Janine, SGAnon with Patriot StreetFighter, and Phil G

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Found all of these “useful / helpful / entertaining”. ———————————————– ———————————————– “SG Anon brings a provocative if not explosive research dissemination operation of his own to Patriot Streetfighter disclosing information that not even your host has been privy … Continue reading

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221123 Kp Driving Message… “Energetic Connections, and Gratitude to All”

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Jetson White 11-23-22 VIDEO… “Master of Disguise [Banned from YT]”

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I might have viewed this before, but Jetson has reposted it here on Rumble after YouTube banned it. I found this EXTREMELY entertaining and illuminating! “Juan / JFK Jr. Syncs [Banned from YT] NOTE: Jr’s handedness was researched during the … Continue reading

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Dave Waterbury 11-22-22… “SGAnon Intel, Condensed”

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Very much aligned with this “condensed version” of SGAnon’s intel, by Dave Waterbury. “Here’s the latest and best intel, Nov. 22. 2022 , and this clears up a lot, for Americans, and the world. CONDENSED , so it doesn’t take … Continue reading

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Kp Note 11-23-22… “Prayers would be appreciated”

I’m going through what feels like a literal “hell” at the moment. So much still to do and take care of. I just blew up emotionally at everything. Sometimes I don’t know if I can take it anymore. One thing … Continue reading

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