Search Results for: Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light

Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 5 of 3 (ok, 5 of ?)… “ANOTHER whole LOAD of Videos about the Syria situation”… Bix Weir, Steve Pieczenik, Robert David Steele

Here are three more videos which have “entertained” today. Thanks to the many viewers who have sent suggestions to me (very grateful for those). Of these three, I found the Bix Weir one to be the most “mind opening”, which … Continue reading

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 4 of 3… “A Whole LOAD of items about the Syria situation some may wish to read (and/or ignore)”

These are a few of the 5,254,789 videos and/or articles I’ve viewed or read. See how these resonate, and feel free to read, view, listen, or ignore. No matter what is here, I repeat that I do feel at this … Continue reading

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 3 of 3… “Please Hold the Planet in the Light”

. I do feel at this moment that it is of primary importance to hold the entire planet in the Light of Cleansing and Healing and Peace. Whatever that means for each. I strongly call for each, in their own … Continue reading

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 2 of 3… “This Image Sums it up Perfectly”

. This image sums it up perfectly (thanks to Merv)… (source).

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 1 of 3… “The Data I’ve Seen so far” (or, the “I’m Feeling Pissed Off” part)

Holy Crap… when I heard/saw/found out about all of this, I truly felt extremely agitated… and yes, PISSED OFF. Can’t “the Trump” see this (the chemical weapons attacks) is clearly a FALSE FLAG (dammit)?????!!!!! Guaranteed Bashar Assad did not use … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-21-22… “It is not just the US but the entire West that is bankrupt: both financially and morally”

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Full weekly report from Ben. “We heard before from a cousin of the Queen that the British Royals (until recently) had annual human sacrifices at Balmoral Castle. Now we know the details because video evidence of this has been given … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-18-21… “Asian elders reject Khazarian mafia $150 trillion survival boondoggle”

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Here is the full weekly report from Ben. “The owners of the US Corporation and stage managers of the fake Biden presidency appear doomed after their $150 trillion plan to stave off bankruptcy was rejected by Asian secret societies. The … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 5-10-21… “Without a Moral Compass the West Cannot Win”

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Full weekly report from Ben. I’m also continuing to remember that it is helpful, at this moment, to remain free from envisioning “fear scenarios”, rather envisioning the Light entering and cleansing each person on this planet. “The West is losing … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 5-3-21… “Geopolitical Mega Quake Ready to Blow”

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Full weekly report from Ben. I’ll only add that it is helpful at this moment to remain free from “fear scenarios”. ” A thousands-of-years-old regime is facing systemic collapse and secret negotiations about its replacement are ongoing… All we can … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-1-21… “Middle East Power Struggle Tip of the Iceberg”

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Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. I’ve not added any more highlights, but enjoy the process of finding your own. “The U.S. administration learned an important lesson in real politics last week when it tried to get justice for … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 8-24-20… “C….-19 fear porn mongers are being systematically hunted down and killed”

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Full weekly report from Ben. We shall see what happens. One point about this report is Ben’s personal affronts he and his staff have received. I suggest we hold all these people in the Light and in our prayers. As … Continue reading

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Complete text and links for all Kp Blog type postings from 4-24-20 through 5-30-20…

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This is the text, FB post links, other links, for all posts from 4-24-20 through 5-30-20. These were all posted on social media sites, including: FaceBook (personal page): FaceBook (Kp blog page): Twitter (@kauilapele): MeWe: GAB: … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 9-30-19… “Zionists call for world dictatorship by rabbis, but face defeat instead”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading. “Faced with a loss of control over the Western world’s financial system and thus a … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 4-4-19… “Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update”

This is a pretty long and extensive update from Cobra. Many items of interest here. One point that he brings out is that “During our workshop… plasma activity around the planet has gone wild”. The workshop was held on 3-16 … Continue reading

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Return to Your Truth 1-13-19… “Bigger than Aug 2017 Solar Eclipse? DROP EVERYTHING; Latest from COBRA -Jan 20th/21st Lunar Eclipse Mass Meditation Briefing” TRANSCRIPT (and alt. audio players)

Okay, I decided to post the transcript from the Cobra interview video (posted at Kp blog here). Return to Your Truth has also posted transcripts links at the end of this. Thanks to him for that. To view the video, … Continue reading

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Who could ask for more! 12-31-18… “The Media (msm, of course) calls itself out by ‘Dropping the Ball’ at the NYC New Year’s celebration”… (I mean, could you ASK for more irony! (Q post 1794: “Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself”)

“The Show” just keeps getting more and more entertaining. When I saw that msm-ers had been selected to “drop the ball” at the Times Square NYC New Year’s party, I could hardly believe it! But how beautifully ironic… they consistently … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-15-18… “The fall of the Zionist house of Saud plus possible coup attempt in Russia”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. “World events are quickly coming to a head, with a major move against the house of Saud and a possible coup attempt this weekend against Russian President Vladimir Putin… the murder (or … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 8-28-18… “U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin”

Full weekly report from Ben. The truth is coming out, for sure… one step at a time. I do not agree with Benjamin’s characterization of Trump as “the lesser of two evils compared to Hillary Clinton”. There is a progression … Continue reading

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TDSiGDTtTPiH* pt 3… Hal Turner connects DATA dots 7-17-18… “Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts…”… “The jig is up… The dominoes are about to fall”

[* The Deep State is Going Down, Thanks to Trump-Putin in Helsinki] I’ll tell you what, when someone sent this to me, and I looked at it, just after re-viewing the video in TDSiGDTtTPiH* pt 2, it connected these things … Continue reading

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Trump-Putin highlights from the 7-16-18 Helsinki press conference (articles and videos) (How the CCCWRIB* with Russia may have finally ended!)

*CCCWRIB = Continually Concocted Cold War & Russia Is “Bad” There were several items that “stood out” from me from this meeting. Primarily about constructive dialogue between the US and Russia (likely not a possibility if HRC were elected), contributions … Continue reading

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#Q #QAnon Videos from x22Report… “Behold The Full Power Of The Storm” (6-27-18, 6-28-18)

The title is from the first video below. There’ve been a great number of Q posts recently, and I found x22Report guy to have some great analysis of the recent ones. In the first video he describes what is called … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 6-25-18… “Western civilization continues to implode as old paradigms cease to function”

[Kp note : apologies for posting last week’s BF instead of this week’s. And thanks to Doug for notifying me about it. This has got so “confusing” that I’ve pretty much redone all the highlights.] Full weekly report from Ben. … Continue reading

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Related to #QAnon #Q Post 1339… Reddit post of 5-10-18… “The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive. You really need to know this and move on.”

This is related to the previous post. And I can see that it may be an excellent illustration of how “Disinfo sowing” can work. Especially regarding Alex Jones, it may also be an illustration of a phrase I sometimes use, … Continue reading

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Dr. Michael Salla, 4-21-18… “QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism… Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters… and Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin”

This is a COMBO-post. I saw these two articles awhile back, and finally felt I was to post them both at the same time. In this case, I’m only going to post highlights from each, and links to the full … Continue reading

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David Wilcock new article 4-27-18… “Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now” (Part 2)

Here is Part 2 (well, Page 2). Here is the link to Part 1 (related Kp blog post). I’m only posting the text here, so please go to the original to view all the images. I have downloaded the full … Continue reading

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Dr. Michael Salla, 4-15-18… “Was Trump Missile Attack Part of Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict & Prevent War with Iran?”

Connecting some dots with this article, Dr. Salla points out how many items about the Syria event appear to have been coordinated, with the ultimate aim being to prevent deep state attacks against Iran. It’s a bit complex, but I … Continue reading

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Corey Goode Intel Update 4-15-18… “[The cabal clearout]… It is Happening”

There’s quite a bit of information in this FB message from Corey. It backs up much of the other data from BF and X22 reports. The cabal clear-out… It IS happening. “We are finally starting to hear a lot of … Continue reading

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The Syria “Event” 4-14-18… 4 VIDEOS about “Why it Happened and What it Means (and so on and so on)”

Well, I listened to ALL of all four of these and they each have some information about the Syria thing, and display different views, in some cases. The first one, from Isaac Green, has cautions about “freaking out” about this … Continue reading

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Today’s (4-13-18) “Event” in Syria… “Hold the Light for this planet” and “I suggest all refrain from ‘freaking out’ about it” (Hey, that’s MSM’s job)

As I’m sure many are aware, the US, France, and UK, have done some type of a “precision missile strike” in Syria (here’s a Fox News article about it), and surely by now, much of the world, especially MSM, Trump … Continue reading

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A Few Highlights from #QAnon (#Q) Postings 4-9-18… #1100 – 1124… (or, “Holy Crap… when does it End??”)

[Kp update: I added 1124 at the end, which seems to relate to the recent testimony of MZ (Mark Zuckerberg). Also view this short David Seaman video where he talks about this 1124 post at the beginning.] I chose to … Continue reading

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