Bill Wood Interview with Lisa M. Harrison, February 7, 2012… Video and MP3s

In this interview, Lisa M. Harrison ( interviews Bill Wood (Brockbrader) and the theme is more along the line of spiritual development, and how we as a human race are headed, inexorably, to a positive future. Lisa writes:

“This is Bill’s first interview outside Camelot. We took the opportunity to focus on the spiritual implications of the information gained through his experience with project looking glass.”

In contrast to Kerry Cassidy’s last interview of Bill (see also this post), I would say that the tone is a bit more relaxed, and Bill certainly comes across that way.
Remember, Kerry Cassidy, whether you attune to her interviews or her style or not, has her own important role to play in disclosure, whistle blower testimony, and providing a channel for the truth. Her style is well suited to getting at the truth in a clear, concise, and direct way. (And, if you don’t like how someone cooks, you are free to stay out of their kitchen.)
All of these interviews are shedding Light on areas which we may need to become more cognizant of as we progress towards disclosure, ascension, and, most important, group picnics in the Pleiades! (or elsewhere!)
[KP note: Kerry did post a comment about what Bill said in this Lisa Harrison interview. for those who wish to read it, visit her blog [NOTE:updated this link as of 2-11-12]]


This was converted to mp3s and may be downloaded as the complete interview or in 20 minute segments. [KP note: the mp3s carry the date 120209 (2-9-12), which is the date the video was uploaded to YouTube, not the date of the interview. I may change this later.]
Complete Interview (117 min.; 13 MB)
Part 1 (20 min.; 3.4 MB)
Part 2 (20 min.; 3.4 MB)
Part 3 (20 min.; 3.4 MB)
Part 4 (17 min.; 3 MB)

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