TRON VIDEO 3-12-20… “Qanon – Through the Looking Glass, March Madness”

[Kp note: in this Tweet, TRON states that this is Part 5 of “The Looking Glass” series. See below the video for links to others in the series.]

TRON goes through several Q posts and Trump Tweets about the “March Madness” meme. Connects LOTS of dots.

Lots is happening, already, as pointed out in this Kp blog post, and this Liz Crokin video.

Of particular note, is that in addition to all the travel bans, sports teams postponing their season, Congress is “off” from March 14-22, and TRON states, “What a perfect time for the [cabal] roundup to begin”. We shall see (or maybe not see!).

As before, I suggest each of us Hold the Light for this transformation we are now going through. It is big. And it is also an opportunity to “Help our neighbors (family, friends)” to be at some level of peace as this all unfolds.

Q team goes dark yet the crumbs continue to come down from all directions. With all these 1 year and 2 year deltas – Q proofs hitting, and countdown markers, March proves to be an interesting month.

Do you have your [ ] filled in?
Lets figure it out___ together.

Previous Looking Glass videos in the series:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

Follow the crumbs on twitter:

My Patriot News family:

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