Feeling “Strange” this 2019? Well, it appears the planet’s been “Energetically Blasted”!!

This showed up at Galactic Connection, and there’s a note from Eric Raines,. and a video by Dani McKenny (Transpicuous News) that illustrates what the planet went through on 1-3-19.

I’ve often spoke of the “Intense Cosmic Energies incoming”, and this appears to be an indication of just that.

“There are some massive energies that have been hitting the planet recently. This video shows the magnetosphere of the Earth and what happened the other night is absolutely unprecedented… the crazy thing is that these energies are not coming from the sun.”


A HUGE Wave Hit the Earth with an Intro by Eric Raines [VIDEO]

So everyone wondering what is going on with our planet and are feeling strange sensations/impulses/feelings with this instability, weeeellllllll…..There are some massive energies that have been hitting the planet recently. This video shows the magnetosphere of the Earth and what happened the other night is absolutely unprecedented.

You can literally see the wave squish into the planet and then it goes wild like a bomb went off, but the crazy thing is that these energies are not coming from the sun.

I think this might be the first waves of energy from the Galactic Central Sun.

Times are crazy… Lets do this!!… -Eric Raines


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