The “Paradise Papers”… 1.4 Terabytes of “What the h— are these 13.4 million documents about?”

That’s right… this is their logo.

[Kp update: I’ve added the only video I’ve watched about this, from Lionel, at the end.]

Alright… this has been flying around the I-tubes (Internet tubes) the last couple days, and Benjamin Fulford said that “Pentagon sources [revealed] “The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction… is timed to the Paradise Papers leak”. Since I’ve not really looked at all into all of these (and probably won’t), I’m going to provide a few links for anyone to check out (note: I’ll likely highlight this later).

These were apparently obtained by the Süddeutsche Zeitung, and their page says, “The Paradise Papers are a new leak obtained by the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The data includes a total of 13.4 million documents – comprising around 1.4 terabytes – from two offshore service providers, Appleby and Asiaciti Trust, and from the company registers of 19 tax havens.” Apparently the ICIJ is doing investigation into what’s in there.

Süddeutsche Zeitung also released the Panama Papers.


The New Offshore Leak (SD Zeitung 11-5-17)

An ICIJ Investigation Paradise Papers: Secrets of the Global Elite (ICIJ)

About the Paradise Papers Investigation (ICIJ)

Paradise Papers: Names of the rich linked to offshore accounts (CBS News 11-6-17)

Paradise Papers: New offshore leaks mention Queen Elizabeth, Trump govt & Putin’s ‘inner circle’ (RT 11-5-17)
“Paradise Papers is catastrophic to globalist jackals: Tax Avoidance ≠ Tax Evasion” ‒ Lionel

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