A Whole “Load” of recent posts that shed Light on those ‘Attempts to Compromise’ Gaia, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Jordan Sather, Emma Gold, Teresa Yanaros, Blue Avians, Cosmic Disclosure, ‘The Light’, and (who else?)… let’s add Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed, and ________ (fill in with your favorite Light Being)!!

Contact in the Desert 2017 Corey Goode et al., “Secret meeting”

[Kp update: TY to TY for suggesting this Jordan video on this same topic. I’ve also added it at the end of this.] [Kp update 2: and no I am not apologizing for that 3.65 kilometer long title! I liked it!]

This is a collection of a selection of many many FB posts, videos, etc., that have recently come out about that whole thing in the title. I just felt like putting all of these in one place, in case some may wish to read. I’ll highlight a bit of some of them, and then leave it up to each to evaluate. Posted in chronological order, except the James Benjamin one.

One note I add here, about the famous goat, Baphomet. Remember, the time of the goat (Baphomet) is over. How do I know that? The Chicago Cubs broke the “curse of the goat” in 2016, by winning the World Series for the first time in 108 years (1+0+8 = 9 = completion). Time for the planet to move on.

PS, if this “load” of data feels a bit much, just click here.

[Emma Gold] “I was deeply shocked and also humiliated to have such blatant attacks directed at me last week. I will say that not at any point was I contacted for questions or concerns about the allegations in these slander pieces prior to their release. This practice is not of the integrity of journalism but instead tabloids and fake news.

“The spin portrayed with things like “Corey Kids” at Jordan Sather was nothing more than an attack to belittle his work in the community. Jordan is a father and an incredible researcher and marketer, he is no “kid”. It was these talents that drew me to ask for his help on this book project.

“Regarding claims about me being a satanist and behind some massive roll out of false narrative to co opt the UFO community. It is true that I work behind the scenes with many different public figures doing volunteer work to help them in their own individual fields. I do this because I am proactive and I want to encourage and support where ever I can. I have not EVER been involved in satanism.

“The idea of doing a Graphic Novel based on Coreys testimony was not my idea. I was asked to help organize the artist volunteers interested in participating… I have been asked to help organize these volunteers I have spent hours getting to know them, working with them, being humbled by their talents and honored to help. These are women and men from all over the world ranging in age from their early 20’s to late 60’s… the notion that this group is behind some sinister plan is nothing short of a tabloid story. These are some of the most amazing people I have had the pleasure of knowing in my life.

“…Coreys testimony triggers alot of people in this community, it calls into question their own belief systems at times and can come with an uneasy feeling. I would ask that if you have resistance to Coreys testimony it may be beneficial to look at why? What is being triggered there. If you really just felt like he was full of it why would you give him so much attention?

[Corey] “We have a few people (Who were not trusted enough to enter the inner circle) that are spreading lies… the party at CITD… I did ask the guys to bring some girls… for STACY to talk to! 🙂 No rituals, no prayers… not even a meditation session occurred… More info to come that will expose everyone attacking and how they are connected with one another and how they are coordinating this attack.

“I believe we will be seeing a number of new expose’s by Jordan Sather and Teresa Yanaros. When I said people accuse you of doing what they would do in the same situation, I had no idea how accurate that would prove to be.

[Teresa Yanaros] “Daniel Liszt, AKA Daniel M. Robillard is a part of a smear campaign directed at Corey Goode and others associated with him…. Does this coordinated attack have something to do with the book project making a case for the Secret Space Program? Could it be that the “powers that be/were” are trying to crush the momentum of this project? If this is true, then it seems to me that the FDP is headed in the right direction. Let’s keep uncovering the truth, and remain vigilant.

[James Benjamin] “The hand gesture the DJ [Dark Journalist] is linking to Baphomet and Satanism is a very common gesture seen throughout the world, a few moments of google search will highlight thousands of images showing Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and other statues and art showing identical or similar hand gestures. In Christianity images of JC showing this gesture indicates among other things “a blessing”. To the ancients Orators would use the symbol to express amazement or wonder. In Buddhist/Hindu Mudra the gesture relates to “Giving Energy” among other things… For Dark Journalist to link this hand gesture and Baphomet and conclude that Corey Goode and friends are Satanists is absolutely nuts.

[Corey Goode] “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sounds similar to another message I have heard. Some say this message sounds “Satanic”? Some say the Blue Avian image is Satanic… I think some people are looking for “demons under doilies”… turning a positive message and subject negative.”


Emma Gold, June 7 at 5:01pm [Emma Gold = Roger Ramsaur, director of Full Disclosure Now (and, I believe, Corey’s business manager)]

In light of all the recent attacks on me personally I have chosen to share a bit about my life, where I come from and who I am in the video below.

I was deeply shocked and also humiliated to have such blatant attacks directed at me last week. I will say that not at any point was I contacted for questions or concerns about the allegations in these slander pieces prior to their release. This practice is not of the integrity of journalism but instead tabloids and fake news.

The spin portrayed with things like “Corey Kids” at Jordan Sather was nothing more than an attack to belittle his work in the community. Jordan is a father and an incredible researcher and marketer, he is no “kid”. It was these talents that drew me to ask for his help on this book project. To make the statement that he was sucked into some marketing campaign to target kids is laughable. Jordan is guiding US on ways to get this book out into the public consciousness with maximum exposure. The smear tactic is completely transparent from my perspective, don’t buy into it and don’t get discouraged, this community needs fresh minds to carry on the work of the elders. Stop shaming the younger generations for wanting to get involved.

Regarding claims about me being a satanist and behind some massive roll out of false narrative to co opt the UFO community. It is true that I work behind the scenes with many different public figures doing volunteer work to help them in their own individual fields. I do this because I am proactive and I want to encourage and support where ever I can. I have not EVER been involved in satanism. If anything I am guilty of bad taste, but I am unapologetic for any art or music projects I was involved in that used dark imagery as a form of expression. When some one gets a tattoo of a yin yang are they automatically assumed to be a taoist? If someone use the symbol of a dove and olive branch are they automatically assumed to be christian? Does the use of a swastika automatically mean you are a Nazi? The use of symbols as archetypal representations is a big part of tattoo, art and music culture. To instigate a witch hunt because someone used these symbols to express themselves and not offer that individual the opportunity to comment on the accusations prior is incredibly irresponsible and shows no regard for ethics or morality. This attack feels to be of someones personal agenda or grudge.

The idea of doing a Graphic Novel based on Coreys testimony was not my idea. I was asked to help organize the artist volunteers interested in participating. I saw a beautiful opportunity come together to share in the creation of art while also getting the message out there. In the time I have been asked to help organize these volunteers I have spent hours getting to know them, working with them, being humbled by their talents and honored to help. These are women and men from all over the world ranging in age from their early 20’s to late 60’s.

Again the notion that this group is behind some sinister plan is nothing short of a tabloid story. These are some of the most amazing people I have had the pleasure of knowing in my life.

In regards to the BA message or Gaia tv being a part of a satanist agenda is also laughable. Anyone who has taken the time to read the BA message and also Coreys statement regarding how this and the Law of One books needs to be carefully monitored to ensure it NEVER turns into a cult or religion will see that again these statements are nothing but hollow tabloid accusations.

With that said I DO understand peoples concerns around these things especially if they have not taken the time to read Coreys testimony in full. I have heard alot of very strong statements about Corey from people that also say they havent really followed him or read his Cosmic Disclosure transcripts (free on his website). I find this to be a major problem when trying to make a compelling argument or case against him.

In the past year I have spent time getting incredibly close to Corey. I have found him to be honest, shy, sincere, awkward, direct, humorous, impatient and undoubtedly human. Regarding his testimony I have seen no evidence that has lead me to feel he is being dishonest, in fact to the contrary I am continually amazed at the moments that lead me to feel he is telling the truth as he knows it? I cant explain this nor will I try. I will say that Coreys testimony triggers alot of people in this community, it calls into question their own belief systems at times and can come with an uneasy feeling. I would ask that if you have resistance to Coreys testimony it may be beneficial to look at why? What is being triggered there. If you really just felt like he was full of it why would you give him so much attention? What crusade of your own beliefs are you trying to run under the guise of “saving people” from Coreys “Agenda”. If you dont like bananas dont eat them, what gives you the right to go around on an anti banana campaign? Dont give me the line either that your trying to save people from the “Banana agenda”, people have the right to decide on their own, your not saving anyone, your just trying to get everyone to believe bananas taste terrible.

The fact of the matter is we are all bumbling around in the dark regarding our own search for truth. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF US has all the answers, but collectively I feel we do. Unity is a word that is often misunderstood, it does not mean to blindly follow a single philosophy or person, it simply means “the state of being united or joined as a whole.” To me that means putting aside ego and differences to be united as a whole. If each of us truly holds a piece to the puzzle than it is in our best interest to start laying them out together regardless of what image we think might be revealed in its completion. We also don’t have to like each other, that is the glory of free will.

In closing I want to declare that all the negative energy attached to my name, filling the mouths of spiteful people wishing to do me harm…. I return it back to you now…..This energy is your burden to bare as is the karma it seeks to full fill.

To everyone that contributed to these attacks… I forgive you and I am grateful to have the opportunity to practice such forgiveness. I will not hold anger and resentment as poison.

I will be taking steps to not only have these attacks on me addressed publicly but to also remove them from public domain.

I am a sovereign being and I will not be a victim.

I will continue to purify the darkness.


Thank you to Justin Deschamps and CW Chanter for their role in addressing these attacks responsibly through public query, debate and humor.



Corey Goode 6-10-17, 5:05 PM

We have a few people (Who were not trusted enough to enter the inner circle) that are spreading lies. Here is a photo from the party at CITD. Such a Motley Crew is it not? I did ask the guys to bring some girls… for STACY to talk to! 🙂 No rituals, no prayers… not even a meditation session occurred. How do these people rationalize their behavior? Have you fallen for this coordinated disinfo campaing? Did you watch Rogers video and Stacy’s interview? More info to come that will expose everyone attacking and how they are connected with one another and how they are coordinating this attack.


Corey Goode shared Teresa Yanaros’s post, 6-11-17

Quite a lot of info about these attackers and how they are connected and coordinating is coming to light. I believe we will be seeing a number of new expose’s by Jordan Sather and Teresa Yanaros. When I said people accuse you of doing what they would do in the same situation, I had no idea how accurate that would prove to be.


Teresa Yanaros with Jordan Sather and 4 others, 6-11-17

Daniel Liszt, AKA Daniel M. Robillard is a part of a smear campaign directed at Corey Goode and others associated with him. Does this coordinated attack have something to do with the book project making a case for the Secret Space Program?

Published on Jun 11, 2017
We are currently in the throes of a smear campaign to take down Corey Goode, and anyone associated with him (particularly Roger Richards, Justin Deschamps, Jordan Sather, and Teresa Yanaros-myself).

Does this coordinated attack have something to do with the book project making a case for the Secret Space Program? Could it be that the “powers that be/were” are trying to crush the momentum of this project? If this is true, then it seems to me that the FDP is headed in the right direction. Let’s keep uncovering the truth, and remain vigilant.

An allegation has been made in the last 48 hours that I was involved in a satanic cult ritual at Contact in the Desert. This is a complete fabrication. It’s not true.

Oh, yeah and the t-shirts for sale?
The sales do not benefit the Full Disclosure Project in any way (another lie the Dark Journalist is perpetuating). This is a marketing campaign by Jordan Sather and benefits his project, Destroying the Illusion.


James Benjamin, June 9 at 11:49pm [includes several pics of the famous BEings using the two-finger hand sign]

On Dark Journalist putting out another New Age Deep State Video, with Derrick Faust as a guest.

Hey all, I’m always reluctant to weigh in on disputes of any kind. But after looking at this stuff for some time, I have some observations that might be worth hearing.

The hand gesture the DJ is linking to Baphomet and Satanism is a very common gesture seen throughout the world, a few moments of google search will highlight thousands of images showing Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and other statues and art showing identical or similar hand gestures. In Christianity images of JC showing this gesture indicates among other things “a blessing”. To the ancients Orators would use the symbol to express amazement or wonder. In Buddhist/Hindu Mudra the gesture relates to “Giving Energy” among other things.

Aside from this, I remember during the early episodes of Cosmic Disclosure Corey Goode discussing the Blue Avians and as I recall this hand gesture was something to do with their method of communication. I’m no expert on these things and I’d love to hear what an expert has to say, for example what is the amazing William Henry’s take on this?.

For Dark Journalist to link this hand gesture and Baphomet and conclude that Corey Goode and friends are Satanists is absolutely nuts. Unfortunately, I see DJ taking on the MSM modus operandi of “Determining what the story will be, finding a tenuous grasping nibble of “proof”, and ignoring the terabytes of images and other info available that disprove the story, and running with it”. Kind of what I would expect from CNN.

As for the bloke being interviewed, I’ve never seen or heard of him before, but perhaps there is an alternative explanation to his story. “Navy Intelligence Officer, leaves navy, grows a beard and gets some tattoo’s and “finds himself” and proceeds to infiltrate the community around Corey Goode and others. Perhaps then the community becomes suspicious, or feels his vib is a bit “off” and pushes him away, he unleashes the only value he has left to his masters and goes for the attack?”

Who knows, I don’t but there is no doubt that if all the Corey Goode and company have to say is true, there is undoubtable Deep State actors attempting to infiltrate his group.

As for Corey and Co making a living. I don’t see how this is a problem. If all he says is true, he has sacrificed his livelihood and future employment prospects to “blow the whistle” as it were. The guy still has a wife and two children to support, let him prosper. I for one am happy to provide him support through paying subscriptions and purchasing merchandise, as I am sure many others are.

Regardless, Corey’s message resonates with me, he comes across as very sincere and believable. The fundamental message of the Blue Avians and Corey is “Be Nice”, if that’s a cult, then sign me up.



Corey Goode, 6-11-17 [more illumination of the two-finger hand signs]

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sounds similar to another message I have heard. Some say this message sounds “Satanic”? Some say the Blue Avian image is Satanic… I think some people are looking for “demons under doilies”… turning a positive message and subject negative.


Jordan Has A Hater! – Exposing the Dark Journalist’s Bad Journalism – Who exactly is he?

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