Benjamin Fulford 4-17-17… “Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea”

[Kp note: some may wish to view David Wilcock’s comments on this at this Kp blog post.]

New weekly report from Ben.

“Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming increasingly isolated and is guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation.

“The situation with North Korea was designed by the Zionists to provoke to ultra-macho antagonists, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, into a situation where neither man could back down without losing face… a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching.

“These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office…

“These flip flops may be connected to the arrival of yet another bankruptcy deadline for the United States Corporate Government, in this case the expected Bankruptcy of the US Corporation’s Puerto Rico subsidiary on May 1st. Despite efforts to paint this as a municipal bond type problem, this could trigger a domino effect that finally takes down Zionist central in Washington D.C.”

[Kp note: those wishing to (continue to) assist Benjamin in his “tight” financial times, may visit this Kp blog post and follow instructions. Presumably Benjamin is addressing this.]


Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea
Posted by benjamin, April 17, 2017

Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming increasingly isolated and is guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation.

Trump has been pushed by his Zionist handlers into trying to start World War 3 because these religious fanatics still think they are somehow going to start a war between “Gog” and “Magog,” kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. To this end Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian airbase where Russian personnel were stationed. That is also why Trump tried to start a war with nuclear armed North Korea last week.

The situation with North Korea was designed by the Zionists to provoke to ultra-macho antagonists, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, into a situation where neither man could back down without losing face. The North Koreans said they had a right to test missiles etc. any time they want, especially on the 105th anniversary of the birth of their country’s founding father Kim Il Sung. Trump said, “if you do that we will attack.”

So, a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching. The North Koreans were able to claim they went ahead and did their test despite Trump’s threats. The Zionists were able to hint they sabotaged the test with unspecified secret weapons. The important point being that Zionist attempts to start World War 3 failed yet again and will continue to fail.

These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office. He also turned from provoking the Chinese and accusing them of being “currency manipulators” to brazenly sucking up to them and denying they manipulate their currency.

These flip flops may be connected to the arrival of yet another bankruptcy deadline for the United States Corporate Government, in this case the expected Bankruptcy of the US Corporation’s Puerto Rico subsidiary on May 1st. Despite efforts to paint this as a municipal bond type problem, this could trigger a domino effect that finally takes down Zionist central in Washington D.C.–sector.html

Sources close to the Japanese emperor say the arrival in Tokyo this week of P2 Freemason lodge and Vatican representive US Vice-President Mike Pence, as well as long term Rothschild agent and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was for the purpose of…

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