Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 11-19-16… “FSB Foils Terrorist Plots in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Crimea, Donetsk; CIA Runs from Kiev”

lada_ray_photo_a_59Lots of information here. She writes about the Ukraine situation towards the end (related to this prior post).

“Much like the Mosul offensive in Iraq was supposed to be victoriously accomplished in time for US Presidential Elections on November 8, 2016, to give Hillary a boost, various terrorist plots in Russia and Donetsk were also planned to be completed by then for the same purpose. Plus, of course the big one: punish Russia. We know that Mosul push went nowhere. No ‘Mission accomplished’ in Iraq.

“Just days prior to US Elections on November 8, FSB began announcing arrests of suspected terrorists and spies… several months ago there was a major attempt by Ukraine to infiltrate Crimea with its subversive operatives… to bomb crucial infrastructure objects in order to create a humanitarian catastrophe. Confessions by said subversives, who turned out to be career officers of Ukraine army, revealed that their acts were specifically aimed at disrupting Russian Duma Elections 2016.

“In late October – early November, another major terror group was arrested. This time the subversive acts were aimed at aiding Hillary and undermining Trump during US Elections… Some of these groups were embedded since 2014, as sleeper cells. They were left behind by Kiev as Crimea transitioned to Russia, with stated purpose of later aiding the future attack on Crimea from within… The original Plan A was for Ukraine, US, and – as they saw it at the time – Turkey, to attack Crimea together and take it back from Russia. Turkey was supposed to have a pivotal role

“The coup failed and past relations with Russia, including the most important element, energy cooperation and Turkish Stream, are being restored. Meanwhile, the plot backfired and Turkey-NATO cooperation is slowly but surely dying. Give NATO just a few years and it’ll be dead.

“And the result is, as I predicted in 2014! US is sick and tired of the whiny and inept Kiev and Poroshenko, while Kiev and Ukrainians are mad at US and EU for betrayal. As I was predicting since the VERY BEGINNING of the Ukraine saga: EU and US don’t know how to drop Ukraine as a hot potato, or squeezed out lemon they have no use for. When Trump takes office, my prediction will be complete: US will drop Ukraine.

“Having been denied the real war in Crimea, Kiev junta had no choice but to go to plan B: subversive terror attacks. But, as many may know, Russian FSB and Intelligence are, shall we say, in the world’s top 2, if not 1. As Ukraine subversives activated, they began being apprehended… Similar situation developed in Donetsk, capital of DNR (Eng: DPR). In the past 2-3 weeks MGB of DNR arrested at least 2 separate ukro-nazi and Ukraine subversive groups on its territory. MGB means Ministry of State Security. These groups were prepared to begin acts of terror and sabotage, similar to Crimea.

Major op in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg and Moscow terrorist sleeper cells arrests continue. Since prior to US Elections, almost daily FSB has been detaining dozens of subversives… It has been confirmed that they were all members of ISIL, originally from Central Asia… We know that terror attacks in Crimea, Donetsk and Russia mainland were planned simultaneously. This clearly denotes a collusion between ISIL, Kiev junta and CIA. As if we needed more proof of that…

“How long has Poroshenko and Kiev junta got? Not too long now. What should we expect in Ukraine next? Secession movements in Western Ukraine. Will Maidan 3.0 materialize? Who’s really protesting against whom? I’ll discuss all this in a separate video, which will be released soon.”


FSB Foils Terrorist Plots in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Crimea, Donetsk; CIA Runs from Kiev

Much like the Mosul offensive in Iraq was supposed to be victoriously accomplished in time for US Presidential Elections on November 8, 2016, to give Hillary a boost, various terrorist plots in Russia and Donetsk were also planned to be completed by then for the same purpose. Plus, of course the big one: punish Russia.

We know that Mosul push went nowhere. No ‘Mission accomplished’ in Iraq.

Now let’s see what came out of multiple terrorist attempts in Russia.

This is a follow up to my recent Putin Makes His Move! Russian Economy Minister Alexey Ulyukaev Arrested for Corruption. Major subversive cells’ arrests are continuing in Russia and Donetsk.


Just days prior to US Elections on November 8, FSB began announcing arrests of suspected terrorists and spies.

CIA and Kiev junta’s attempts to sabotage and terrorize CRIMEA turn sour

You may recall that several months ago there was a major attempt by Ukraine to infiltrate Crimea with its subversive operatives, who were supposed to bomb crucial infrastructure objects in order to create a humanitarian catastrophe. Confessions by said subversives, who turned out to be career officers of Ukraine army, revealed that their acts were specifically aimed at disrupting Russian Duma Elections 2016.


Objects to be bombed included chemical and power plants, as well as hospitals and the famous Crimean Bridge. One-of-a-kind engineering feat, the massive Crimean Bridge, has been dubbed the project of the century. It will connect Crimea with mainland Russia through the Kerch Peninsula, bypassing Ukraine and, thus, alleviating pressure on Crimea. The construction will be finished by the end of 2017-18.

The Ukraine terrorists were also supposed to mass-poison potable water. Crimea suffers from water shortage after in 2014 the Kiev junta destroyed the only ample water source, The North Crimean Canal, running through Ukraine and built by the USSR.  You may recall that in August there were real battles on the border, when Kiev military attempted a veritable invasion into Crimean territory. While deflecting the multiple attacks and arresting armed subversive groups near the border, FSB and Russian Border Guard lost two men.

In late October – early November, another major terror group was arrested. This time the subversive acts were aimed at aiding Hillary and undermining Trump during US Elections. The head of this subversive group is a colonel of Ukraine GUR (State Office of Intelligence). It has to be noted that Russian Intelligence is called GRU (State Intelligence Office). It appears that the Ukraine GUR name was parroted after Russian, but so it wouldn’t seem too blatant, the letters were changed around.

Some of these groups were embedded since 2014, as sleeper cells. They were left behind by Kiev as Crimea transitioned to Russia, with stated purpose of later aiding the future attack on Crimea from within. Others infiltrated into Crimea in the past couple of years, taking advantage of the fact that the border between Ukraine and Crimea is still easily crossed, due to tight connections between the people on both sides.

The original Plan A was for Ukraine, US, and – as they saw it at the time – Turkey, to attack Crimea together and take it back from Russia. Turkey was supposed to have a pivotal role, manipulating the Turkish discontent with the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish nationalist groups and Crimean Tartar terrorists, armed by Turkey, began amassing in Kherson Oblast bordering Crimea on the Ukraine side.

But there was a problem: Putin for years managed to smartly neutralize Turkey and Erdogan by lucrative trade deals. To accomplish the US/Kiev plan (Qatar and Saudis were also in on the hit), Turkey needed to be tied to Ukraine-US alliance by blood, so there was no turning back to good relations with Russia. Turkey had to be ‘subverted’ so a rift between Turkey and Russia would become irreparable.

This was attempted through the downing of the Russian Su24 in Syria in 2015 by the Turkish army. That incident, which shocked Russians and was likened by Putin to a knife in the back, nearly did put a stop to Russia-Turkey cooperation. But that turned out to be insufficient. Both Putin and Erdogan turned out too smart. Not to mention, Russian Intelligence turned out significantly ahead of the CIA.

Having figured out what was happening, Erdogan (with Russian intel’s help?) fired the main US asset in his government, PM Davutoglu (an ethnic Crimean Tartar). He also made insistent steps to reconcile with Russia. He had the intermediary help from Kazakh President Nazarbayev, who served as a bridge. When it was discovered that Erdogan is attempting to win back Putin’s friendship, a coup against him was organized by Turkish army officers on CIA payroll. Erdogan escaped capture and Gaddafi-like end by minutes, because Putin authorized Russian Intelligence to send him a timely warning.

The coup failed and past relations with Russia, including the most important element, energy cooperation and Turkish Stream, are being restored. Meanwhile, the plot backfired and Turkey-NATO cooperation is slowly but surely dying. Give NATO just a few years and it’ll be dead.

Incidentally, for his help in restoring Turkey-Russia relations, Nazarbayev was made pay through a color revolution attempt, which, of course, failed.

All about Turkey, how Russians warned Erdogan of the military coup, how the coup failed, how relations were reconciled and US/NATO lost Turkey as ally read in top-rated:

Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN’S WAR

Also read:

ESR7 Battle for Eurasia: The Turkish Conundrum 

ESR5: Syria Game Changer

All about Kazakhstan color revolution attempt and terror attacks, as well as color revolution attempts in Armenia and other EAEU states, who and why organized them:

Video ESR9 Attack on Kazakhstan: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union? (includes video of attempted attacks).

In the end, it became clear that Russia wasn’t destroyed economically through sanctions, oil price drop and ruble attacks, as US promised Kiev junta since 2014. Turkish gambit didn’t work out either.

And the result is, as I predicted in 2014! US is sick and tired of the whiny and inept Kiev and Poroshenko, while Kiev and Ukrainians are mad at US and EU for betrayal. As I was predicting since the VERY BEGINNING of the Ukraine saga: EU and US don’t know how to drop Ukraine as a hot potato, or squeezed out lemon they have no use for. When Trump takes office, my prediction will be complete: US will drop Ukraine.

You all recall one of my big 2014 predictions: Ukraine will begin turning away from the West and back towards Russia in 2016-18. By the end of 2018, this process will be complete.

And in this regard, also recall what I said in 2014: it’ll be all of Ukraine, not bits and pieces, as many suggested. No one seemed to hear me at the time, as everyone was bent on dividing Ukraine. Nope, it’ll be ALL of Ukraine. Possibly minus a few tiny pieces in the West, but even that is unlikely. This is my prediction since 2014 and it remains so. If my track record is any indication, you will see this prediction come true, as so many others have.

Having been denied the real war in Crimea, Kiev junta had no choice but to go to plan B: subversive terror attacks. But, as many may know, Russian FSB and Intelligence are, shall we say, in the world’s top 2, if not 1. As Ukraine subversives activated, they began being apprehended.

Full video of one of the latest subversive’s arrests in Crimea, released by FSB:



Donetsk and Lugansk

Similar situation developed in Donetsk, capital of DNR (Eng: DPR). In the past 2-3 weeks MGB of DNR arrested at least 2 separate ukro-nazi and Ukraine subversive groups on its territory. MGB means Ministry of State Security. These groups were prepared to begin acts of terror and sabotage, similar to Crimea. Also detained were the suspected assassins of the legendary Donetsk commander Motorola, with the telling name «Misanthropic Division». Video in Russian about ukro-nazi «Misanthropic Division» and who they are: Кто такие «Misanthropic Division»? О предполагаемых убийцах Моторолы.

This is the video of the arrest of six alleged Motorola assassins from «Misanthropic Division», who bragged about it online:


The latest: also LNR (Lugansk) announced that they uncovered a plot to blow up Schastie power plant. The canal feeding water to power plant was mined by Ukraine subversives. VIDEO announcement.

Major op in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg and Moscow terrorist sleeper cells arrests continue. Since prior to US Elections, almost daily FSB has been detaining dozens of subversives.

Videos from various sources about detentions of subversives in St.Pete and Moscow. It has been confirmed that they were all members of ISIL, originally from Central Asia (in other words, members of these cells were Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyzs, Turkmens). They were preparing explosions in public places in both capitals. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan special services aided in the arrests.




Collusion between ISIL, Kiev and CIA

We know that terror attacks in Crimea, Donetsk and Russia mainland were planned simultaneously. This clearly denotes a collusion between ISIL, Kiev junta and CIA. As if we needed more proof of that… 


CIA evacuating from Kiev to Romania

I was asked whether it was true that CIA operatives were evacuating from Kiev. Yes, it’s true. In 2014 CIA took over the upper 4th floor of the SBU building in Kiev, where Ukrainians were banned from entering. American flag flew over that Ukrainian government building. After Trump election and arrests of subversives in Russia, CIA operatives have hastily evacuated all their papers and moved to Romania. Only CIA analysts (read surveillance, spies-monitors) remain in Kiev.

I can tell you more. This reminds me of one of the most shameful pages in human history: WWII. Anticipating the end, in 1944 Hitler Nazis were hastily burning and evacuating their papers and leaving behind sleeper cells to attack Russia later from within. Some of these cells were the Bandera ukro-nazis trained and left behind in Ukraine. It is the heirs of these Bandera followers who spread fascism all over Ukraine and executed the 2014 coup.

Fast-forward to the end of 2016. History repeats! Anticipating the beginning of the end, both CIA and Kiev junta are now busy embedding long-term sleeper cells all over Ukraine.

Odessa and Saakashvili resignation

In ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT of 3/31/16, I predicted that Saakashvili would only be the governor of Odessa till 2017. My exact words were: ‘Meet international criminal, ex-president of Georgia and US agent, Mikhail Saakashvili, governor of Odessa 2015-2017.’ You can read these words in ESR8 description by clicking above link. In the report you can further read why I said that. Saakashvili resigned his post on November 7, 2016 (this sly fox wanted to position himself for the new US president). Saakashvili resignation will officially go through in the beginning of 2017, right on the dot per my prediction.

Maidan 3.0 developing in Kiev

Protests headed by opposition leaders Evgeny Muraev and Rabinovich (Party Za Zhisn’ -For Life) demand the sacking of the head of Central Bank Gontareva and Ukraine currency back at pre-2014 coup rate of 8 grivnas per dollar.

Protest video:


Sure, keep dreaming…  These are, of course, purely populist slogans. You can’t have strong currency after you’ve destroyed your economy. The problem is also that a catastrophic winter is ahead, while utilities charges keep climbing. Some Ukrainians won’t survive this winter.


How long has Poroshenko and Kiev junta got? Not too long now. What should we expect in Ukraine next? Secession movements in Western Ukraine. Will Maidan 3.0 materialize? Who’s really protesting against whom? I’ll discuss all this in a separate video, which will be released soon.

Next week I’ll also have a new piece (it’ll be either an article or a video) on the spectacular turnaround in Moldova and Bulgaria elections – the situation is developing exactly as predicted in ESR8 and my earlier Moldova articles.

I plan to go over the heating up situation in Pridnestrovie, as well. The sly Putin’s plan re. Pridnestrovie and Moldova and what to expect in the region in the next few years. (Also watch video: Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2).)

Following my Trump win prediction coming true, I plan a follow up video on Trump, whether Hillary will go to jail, and more.


Stay tuned for future announcements regarding Holiday specials and consulting services with Lada Ray!

Next January and February we are planning major live webinars on the hottest topics of this decade and next. If you want to be prepared for what’s to come in the next 2 to 5 years, don’t miss Lada Ray Webinars!




Individual report links:
ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR (Russia, US, NATO, Turkish Stream)
ESR7: The Battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM
ESR2 reloaded & expanded: Ukraine TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE
ESR1 reloaded & expanded: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana, KZ – New NWO Capital? (Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff)


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