12-9-15… “Mark Ruffalo confronts Monsanto chief: ‘You are poisoning people.'”

gmo_NOT_21This indicates to me that many in the public eye are continuing the “wake-up” and are calling out the corporate BS that has enveloped the consciousness of many in the world.

“Recently, a chance meeting with Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant gave Ruffalo the opportunity to tell the GMO boss exactly what he thinks of the company and its practices: “You are wrong.”…

“When Ruffalo was preparing for a segment on his new film Spotlight at CBS This Morning, he jumped at the chance to tell the chemical boss what lots of people are probably thinking. Ruffalo recounts the chance meeting, describing how Grant came into the Green Room “ready to do high fives with his press agent,” which inspired the actor to seize this opportunity. Ruffalo reports telling Grant this: “You are wrong. You are engaged in monopolizing food. You are poisoning people. You are killing small farms. You are killing bees. What you are doing is dead wrong.””


Mark Ruffalo confronts Monsanto chief: “You are poisoning people.”

Mark Ruffalo participates in the People’s Climate March on September 21, 2014 in New York City. The march, which calls for drastic political and economic changes to slow global warming, has been organized by a coalition of unions, activists, politicians and scientists.

Mark Ruffalo is perhaps best known for his role as the Hulk, but in real life, Ruffalo is a different kind of superhero. The actor has spoken and written extensively on the horrors of environmental destruction, as well as the guilt assigned to corporations carrying out those atrocities. Recently, a chance meeting with Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant gave Ruffalo the opportunity to tell the GMO boss exactly what he thinks of the company and its practices: “You are wrong.”

Ruffalo keeps his finger on the pulse of business and politics when it comes to environmental issues, and he doesn’t pick and choose. The actor/activist/father/angry green guy works to raise awareness (and, in many cases, funding) for water conservation, carbon emissions limits, renewable energy, and public health. Monsanto has certainly been one of his targets in the past, especially as the company continues to fight to stop GMO-labeling requirements throughout the United States.

mark ruffalo, monsanto, monsanto ceo hugh grant, roundup, glyphosate, gmo, gmo foods, genetically modified foods, gmo labelingWhen Ruffalo was preparing for a segment on his new film Spotlight at CBS This Morning, he jumped at the chance to tell the chemical boss what lots of people are probably thinking. Ruffalo recounts the chance meeting, describing how Grant came into the Green Room “ready to do high fives with his press agent,” which inspired the actor to seize this opportunity. Ruffalo reports telling Grant this: “You are wrong. You are engaged in monopolizing food. You are poisoning people. You are killing small farms. You are killing bees. What you are doing is dead wrong.”


Monsanto’s chief made a lot of slippery comments, slinging around vague statistics, and describing his position in non-committal language during the CBS interview. When the show’s hosts pressed him to defend Monsanto’s attack on GMO-labeling laws in various states, he hid behind the claim that only federal regulations will be effective. And, as has been the consistent message from the Monsanto camp, he denied any health hazard linked to the use of Roundup, the company’s top-selling pesticide. That position echoes a new study released this week conducted by scientists that Monsanto sponsored, but it doesn’t stop the onslaught of lawsuits from cancer patients who believe Roundup caused their illnesses.

Indeed, glyphosate – the active ingredient in Roundup – has been linked to cancer by the WHO, and the company has been paying out millions of dollars for the past several decades in an effort to keep the truth quiet. However, as more people learn about what this and other companies are doing to profit from the destruction of the planet, they are not likely to be able to keep their secrets much longer.

Via EcoWatch/republished from Mark Ruffalo’s Tumblr

Images via Shutterstock and wikimedia

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