Via RT… An Illustration of the “U.S. State Department Double-Speak” (and you may wish to hold your nose shut when viewing this video)


Okay, I was looking through RT today, and found this article:

‘Pockets of ceasefires’ may soon turn up in Syria – Obama

The video (dated 11-2-15) was preceded by this statement:

“Russia insists that its air strikes do not target opposition – only Islamic State. Even though Washington has been alleging the opposite from the very beginning of the Russian campaign, US officials have failed to produce any relevant proof, or cite any sources that can be verified.”

Yes, this video affirms a fact of which many are aware, that they are not quite willing to tell anything like the truth of the situation. And their spokespeople are trained in “DoubleSpeak”… aka, “Conveyors of Bullshit”.

So that’s why you may wish to hold your nose shut when viewing this video.

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