Kp Radio Hawaii… Really Early Morning with Kp 5-14-15…

kp_radio_hawaii_header_snip_85#wearemaunakea #alohaaina

Show link:

Talked about (among other things):

  • The many places around the planet where change is occurring.
  • Some of my own personal experience with “being a scientist” and eventually moving from “intellect-only” view of things to “sensing the Higher energies” and realizing I was one with them.
  • Why Mauna Kea (Mauna a Wākea), and the collective world cooperation around that mauna, is so important and why this time, with this world atmosphere of change, is such a positive time for change.
  • Well, I’m sure there’s other things, but theyve slipped out of my mind.

Audio player

(note: if a commercial comes on at the beginning, just click that speaker looking icon to mute for 30-65 seconds, then unmute.)

MP3 download link:

[Pre-show notes: “We’ll see what happens…”]

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