Kp Radio Hawaii 1-13-15… “Conversation with Tracy… 'The Britain Chronicles'”

Britain Mission sites. Click to enlarge

Britain Mission sites. Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

City of London Mission sites. Click to enlarge

This conversation took place on 1-11-15.
This was a very important mission which Tracy undertook in England and Scotland. There were definitely many clearings and openings of energetic portals during her mission.
Show link:


Listen to Tracy describe what happened during her trip and the marvelous synchronicities which she encountered, in this 40 minute interview.
The day after she returned, this article appeared in RT:
Something definitely was changed by her work.
Here is a link I discovered about the Temple of Mithras in London.
Tracy’s website:
About Tracy:
Audio player

[Kp note: there may be a randomly added advertisement at the beginning, on occasion; it appears I have no control over that, as sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not. I believe it is 30 seconds long, if it is there.]
MP3 download link:

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