Heeeere's Barbara's GaiaPortal 1-5-15 & 1-9-15 Interpretations…

gaiaportal_logo113Thanks to Barbara for her inputs into these.
Barbara’s lines are in bold blue.


Precipices reached and transcended (1-5-15)
Precipices reached and transcended.
Hazardous situations have been encountered and surpassed.
Life forms of all Higher Dimensionals now activate for the finals.
Higher beings are now energized for the end times.
Centricities have collected and assumed necessary formations.
Central concepts have gathered and taken on required alignments.
Flights of passion and flights of joy are the sole travel options.
Experiences of powerful emotion and bliss are the only journey choices.
Comprehensive upgrades near completion.
Complete improvements are close to finishing.
Comprehensive global comprehensions are at home.
Complete, planet-wide understandings are instinctual.
Expressions of Light come with ease.
Thoughts of enlightenment come naturally.
Beings of Peace continue.
Spirits of Peace are on going.


Star Children are born again (1-9-15)
Stagnations have terminated.
Blockages in the flow of energies have ended.
Flow patterns establish within Higher Energetic grids.
Fluid, recurring designs form within Higher Dimensional matrices.
Lenticular assets are carried forth.
Celestial bodies are moved into view.
Entry to Higher Light realms comes at moment’s notice.
Access to Higher Luminescent Kingdoms occurs suddenly.
Star Children are born again.
Humanity is re-birthed into the Golden Age.

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