Mahalo, UH Hilo!!! "Students Meet with UH Hilo Vice-Chancellor Regarding Hawaiian Kingdom Flag"… Result, "The students’ request [will] be Honored"

uh_hilo_response_to_student_flag_concern_video_snipThis relates to this prior post (also see King’s response).
This, to my mind, is significant news. And at minimum, it is a very important step in the “right” direction, of re-recognizing and re-energizing the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Here is THE highlight…

“…Vice-Chancellor Makuakane-Lundin told the students that the administration for the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo took their request very seriously, and after they met to discuss the matter the administration decided that the students’ request would be honored.”

Thanks to JP and BP for sending this link.


Students Meet with UH Hilo Vice-Chancellor Regarding Hawaiian Kingdom Flag
[ (there’s a “Part 2”, but it’s the same as Part 1, above. So here are links to the other parts I found at Maa Radio: Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7)]

La‘akea Caravalho

La‘akea Caravalho

Gail Makuakane-Lundin

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Gail Makuakane-Lundin

La‘akea Caravalho and other students from the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo met with the University’s Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Gail Makuakane-Lundin regarding their request that the Hawaiian Kingdom flag fly will no longer be flown below the American flag as it has since the occupation began on August 12, 1898, but will be flown on a separate flagpole of equal height to the American flag. Additionally, the Hawaiian Kingdom flag will be the first to be raised and the last to be lowered each day.
In the meeting, Vice-Chancellor Makuakane-Lundin told the students that the administration for the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo took their request very seriously, and after they met to discuss the matter the administration decided that the students’ request would be honored.
Big Island News Video reported:

The reasoning behind the action is evident in a letter written by students of the University of Hawai‘i to faculty and administrators, which began by saying the students have found the university has committed war crimes under the illegal occupation, specifically “pillaging” and “Americanization.” The letter relies on evidence presented in the recent “Memorandum for Ka Pouhana, CEO of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs regarding Hawai‘i as an independent State and the Impact it has on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs” by Dr. Keanu Sai.

After detailing the background of the war crime accusations, students wrote:
“In closing if you are able to refute the evidence in the Memo then assuredly the felonies—war crimes—have not been committed. But if you are not able to refute the evidence, then beginning on November 28, 2014, Hawaiian Independence Day, La Ku‘oko‘a, which has been celebrated since 1843, the United States Flag will no longer be raised over the Hawaiian flag from that day forth. We demand that the Hawaiian flag shall be raised first and be last taken down each day. The occupying United States flag shall be on a separate flag pole of exact same height with the flag flown as well at the same height. If no flag pole is provided for the U.S. flag it shall not be raised until one is provided by the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo and Hawai‘i Community College at no cost to the students. The none refute of evidence means that all State of Hawai‘i officials and employees, as well as We/Students are compelled to comply with Hawaii Kingdom Law and the law of occupation.”

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