GaiaPortal 7-15-14… "Blue ribbons of Light wrap the bulk of Gaia at this time"

gaiaportal_logo64Okay, there’s all sorts of hidden-type meanings one could ascribe to those words I’ve linked to in this post. It does appear from other sources, that we are in a period of strong, intense, in-your-face, flowering going on (florescent). The “porcelain” part… that could have lot’s of meanings. And I’m not going to even try on that one. Maybe some of you have some ideas that could be shared on this blog’s FaceBook page.


Blue ribbons of Light wrap the bulk of Gaia at this time
Blue ribbons of Light wrap the bulk of Gaia at this time.
This energetic construct allows full energetic alignment and upgrade for Hue-manity.
Florescent* manifestations begin for many, and begin anew for many others.
Porcelain** structures are transcended as Gaia ascends.
* [florescence] “the act, state, or period of flowering; bloom.”
** “a strong, vitreous, translucent ceramic material, biscuit-fired at a low temperature, the glaze then fired at a very high temperature; [C16: from French porcelaine, from Italian porcellana cowrie shell, porcelain (from its shell-like finish), literally: relating to a sow (from the resemblance between a cowrie shell and a sow’s vulva), from porcella little sow, from porca sow, from Latin…]”

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