Keenan Team 7-7-14… Part 1/3… "Kingdom of Hawai'i Background and History", from "The Life of The Land is Preserved in Righteousness"

kingdomofhawaii.info_banner_1This is going to be a three part posting of The Keenan Team’s recent article, “The Life of The Land is Preserved in Righteousness“, which was linked in an earlier post on this blog. There is some excellent information in this article, written from the perspective of The Keenan group.

“The battle to restore Hawaii’s sovereignty is not a frivolous pursuit based on pie-in-the-sky, wishful thinking. Its inevitability is based in the inherent power of Truth and applied righteousness. All of the ingredients and tools are present to dismantle and take down the system, which has been forcibly and unjustly superimposed over the true sovereignty of the Kingdom.”


Keenan Team 7-7-14… Part 1/3… “Kingdom of Hawai’i Background and History”, from “The Life of The Land is Preserved in Righteousness
 “The surrounding ocean and life within and beneath are under my protection. Our history and all the bones of the dead are under my protection. Our culture and traditions are under my protection. Every Kanaka Maoli and non-Hawaiian, who is a citizen or subject of the Kingdom, is under my protection. Everything throughout this Archipelago, to include all the sacred Heiau and ancient burial sites, is under my protection. It is my anointed and sacred duty to protect our Kingdom and perpetuate our culture and traditions so that they continue throughout the ages, well after the time when we are all gone. Every good and bad thing that happens throughout this Kingdom is my kuleana; I am the King and answerable only to Akua, God of the Most High.”  His Majesty Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr., King of Hawaii
As we continue along the golden brick road toward a deeper understanding of relevant geopolitical events occurring on both the national and worldwide stage, let us turn our focus of attention toward The Kingdom of Hawaii. It is little known in the West the process by which the Kingdom of Hawaii was annexed by THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION and later in 1959 to “officially” become its 50th State.
On January 17, 1893, facing the threat of personal injury and possible death of her loved ones, Queen Lili’uokalani was forced to abdicate Hawaiian Sovereignty. Composed primarily of U.S. nationals and backed by the U.S. military, an emergency provincial government seized total control of Queen Lili’uokalani’s nation. The details leading to and surrounding this surrender and subsequent theft of the Hawaiian Kingdom are abominable, illegal and indisputable.

A land of great beauty and mystery, Hawaii was first defiled by Western “discovery” on January 18, 1778, by British naval commander James Cook on his third voyage into the Pacific. At that time, the Hawaiian Islands, effectively isolated from the rest of the world, had an estimated population upwards of one million people and a sophisticated eco-based system of government and self-sufficiency.
Initially revered as gods, Commander Cook and his crew, ironically brought disease and death to the indigenous population and opened the door to end their harmonious way of life and autonomous sovereignty.  In less than two years after Cook’s initial contact, death from disease claimed all but 88,000 of the Hawaiian population. Today there are less than 5,000 full-blooded Hawaiians left alive!
This mass culling, whether intentional or not, was a significant first step in a long procession of decimating the original Hawaiian culture, transitioning it from an independent, self-reliant society into an extension of the Western free-trade-dependent system. Today, virtually all food and energy resources must be imported, and its population is held hostage to a two-week cycle of resupply. A protracted disruption to this pattern of constancy would prove catastrophic.
Following Cook’s discovery, Western companies wasted little time establishing a foothold in this virgin paradise. Sugar became the leading export commodity, and by 1840, the forests on the islands of Hawaii, Oahu, Molokai and Kauai were stripped of mountain sandalwood trees, one of the world’s most valuable natural resources.
In 1842, U.S. President John Tyler recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii as a constitutional monarchy, and in 1843, the Kingdom survived an attempted British takeover. The Hawaiian capital was moved in 1845 from Lahaina to Honolulu, and foreigners were permitted to purchase land. Private estates were established, and by 1893, foreigners controlled 90% of the lands of Hawaii.
The Truth is, each and every step along Hawaii’s path from sovereign and independent nation to annexed territory, to U.S. State, was done in violation of laws and treaties then in effect and with no regard for the wishes of the Hawaiian people.
In a recent Cosmic Voice interview, His Majesty Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr., King of Hawaii, and his chief legal counsel Dr. Aidun, HM Attorney General, Kingdom of Hawaii, a renowned expert in domestic and international law, speak candidly with Neil Keenan and Cosmic Voice hosts Drake Bailey and Thomas Williams about the illegal seizure of his Kingdom and the efforts well under way to reclaim and restore Hawaiian sovereignty, self-sufficiency and sustainability. [note: available here at this blog]
HM Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr.’s direct bloodline and royal lineage dates back to 387 A.D. His genealogical record exhibits an impeccable chain of custody and the original record of this was last chanted in the Royal Court in 1836.
Dr. Aidun’s impressive credentials are as follows: Chief Justice, Royal Borneo Nations; Mund-Barefan Yamasse Nation, Washitaw de Dougdamoundyah Tribal Nation; HM Attorney General, Kingdom of Hawaii; Member, National American Indian Court Judges Association; Member #01798766, American Bar Association; Member #1040751, International Bar Association.
During the interview, both King Silva and Dr. Aidun recount the true history of Hawaii and the heart-rendering story of how Western influence has affected those sacred lands and the lives of his people. Most Americans, and even many Hawaiian citizens themselves, are unaware of the outrageous violations of international law and crimes against the Hawaiian people which lead to the illegal seizure of their homeland and its subsequent statehood.
Few realize that in 1893, at the time of the forced provincial government take-over, the Hawaiian monarchy had entered into formal associations with the crown heads of Europe, Asia and the Pacific and had more than 90 diplomatic legations around the world. Prior to the coup d’état, the United States had consistently and unconditionally recognized Hawaii as a sovereign nation state. This was affirmed by several treaties and conventions made between the two nations. Between 1846 and 1886, the Hawaiian Kingdom’s sovereign status was also confirmed by duly executed treaties with 17 other nation states, including Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, China, and Japan.
Therefore, these treaties remain legal and binding and in effect to this day under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Under every law, domestic and international, each treaty is a covenant between two sovereign nations and cannot be transferred to any other entity, much less the usurper that has admitted to overthrowing the country.
H.M. Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr. and Dr. Aidun make it abundantly clear that their mission is to restore their Kingdom to its full and rightful stature as an independent sovereign nation state. This effort is well underway with HUGE implications not just for the peoples of Hawaii, but for all the people of the world!
The battle to restore Hawaii’s sovereignty is not a frivolous pursuit based on pie-in-the-sky, wishful thinking. Its inevitability is based in the inherent power of Truth and applied righteousness. All of the ingredients and tools are present to dismantle and take down the system, which has been forcibly and unjustly superimposed over the true sovereignty of the Kingdom.

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