From BP (via "From Croatia With Love") 7-10-14… "What’s Going On? Drama, That’s What"

carrots_multi_colorThis goes very along with the earlier “Enough, Already” post. This is an excellent commentary on the current energies.


What’s Going On? Drama, That’s What
[“From Croatia with Love” note] Reposted From:
Although I can’t say that I’m being tested or that anyone is pushing my buttons, it’s because I have not been out into the world lately, my home is my castle and there is no madness here. I feel there is a great change in the energies but my days are always filled with going into the garden after I have done my healing work, that is where I get to ground and cleanse after collecting my client’s energies. For me, life is as usual, I don’t feel different/negative at all..all is well, life is great. As for the carrots? They look beautiful indeed and I grow the same ones, nothing beats a dirt coated carrot while working in the garden. I wish everyone could be feeling great as I am, I’m trying not to think about the terminal madness around me, but at the same time, it’s not part of reality, perhaps I have arisen in density and only see the beauty in everything. Great post though. We are all coming together and working together, to try and figure it out, to understand ourselves and how to get out of this mess we got ourselves in. I know we are heading in the right direction although I am getting impatient. The Prison around us is crumbling, the Controllers are freaking out because their plans are crashing slowly, it doesn’t mean it’s over yet, it could get worse, but know this: We are almost rock bottom so we have no where to go but upwards, a few more steps and we’re finally done with this monster we created. Yes, we created it, we were complicit in creating it based on illusions sold to us. But we had to do this, in order to realize we were in trouble and change direction.
Imagine the world being perfect? We would go on living each day without every considering changing it, there would be no need because it would be perfect. We would have no goals, no dreams, no desires, because everything would be perfect. We would not question anything, there would be no mysteries to solve and no fights to win. Perfection was left behind when we chose to leave source and create our own worlds, now we get to go home soon after the veil has finally been lifted.
What’s Going On? Drama, That’s What
I’m so glad Kauilapele posted this morning, “Enough Already!!!!!”, and said Jean Haines did similarly. (I haven’t read Jean’s yet.)
Things are definitely “off”, these days. People are feeling various emotions to a great degree that are perhaps uncharacteristic. Some of us are being sorely tested physically, emotionally, mentally spiritually, financially, and every other way.
As I’ve said, I have no fuse at the moment, people are pushing my buttons and I just want the world to stop and let me off. I’ve had enough.
There isn’t much news worth sharing, it’s mostly negative, discernment is being tested big time, and things feel different—yet the same old broken records keep playing; the channeled messages with their chin-up cheerleading, the financial insiders with their “any day now” chants… now friendly ETs are the bad guys—I’m uncomfortably numb.

A possible source: One reader says Earth’s magnetic field for some unexplained reason, according to scientists, is weakening rapidly and she believes it means the control matrix around us is breaking down and will permit our freedom very soon. I sure hope you’re right!
I ask myself what the future will hold, and you know… I don’t knowanything. I only know what I’ve been told, and it’s all just words and belief. There are far too many questions and too few answers.
SOMEONE had better prove SOMETHING fast, or this reality we live in will suddenly become a very prickly place for many of us.
I have often reflected on the validity of the information floating around in the media, the Internet, conversations—data no one can prove but everyone is arguing about what will be and what we will do and how we will feel when IT happens.
“What if….”  this entire ascension, liberation, angels and ETs story is just one glorious hoax—a cruel psyop to see how a few billion semi-intelligent, semi-conscious beings respond under controlled conditions?
Throw in a little free will for good measure and yee-hah! What a party in the lab! And this plan for our freedom has been underway since the 60s? Talk about a long-term experiment.
Researchers’ questions might include: What will they do when we keep moving the target? When we tighten the thumbscrews? Will they turn on each other? Will they submit to anything? Ah… very interesting.
When do they open the door of the cage and allow us to enjoy our golden years in blissful reverie?
I HAVE wondered: What if we ARE just lab rats? But you know… it’s such a great experiment that it’s fascinating for the lab rats to watch, too!
No matter how much pressure we’re feeling, how intense the negativity, how uncomfortable and frustrated we are… there’s still that carrot dangling out there, isn’t there? That ungodly GMO, glyphosate-ridden, chlorine-soaked carrot that we all want so badly.
To some of us it looks mouth-watering. To others, sinister. Foreboding. Don’t take a bite!, they caution. It’s evil!
IF that carrot were instantly under our noses, would we be brave enough to take a bite? Would it bite back?
Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of ‘something’ other than ourselves at the moment. We are tethered to a reality we cannot even define any more. It just is. And it isn’t.
We’ve been told there is an endless field of gorgeous, juicy carrots… out there… somewhere… and for a few hours a day we pretend we’re not hungry, not really interested, because life beckons.
The truth is, that field of carrots is very much on our minds. But we have to wonder… is it really a field of exquisite carrots, or is it a clever, AI-generated mirage that will morph into our worst nightmare as we draw near?
Are the lab techs going to wait until the rats are about to go postal before they deliver one measly little carrot? We’re drowning in saliva down here!

I guess we’ll find out. We’re nearing the end of the experiment, don’t you know.
If worse comes to worst—do 18 hours of yoga and meditation. Eat. Sleep. And repeat.
The saving grace: we’re all in this together, my friends, and as David Wilcock said, “Have fun”.  ~ BP

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