Neil Keenan Group 7-7-14… Article about the Kingdom of Hawai'i… LINK

I’m pointing you all to this comprehensive article by the Keenan Group. I just post the link for now. I will have more to say about this after returning home (from the land of Mocha). I thank the Keenan Group wholeheartedly for presenting this to the world, through their blog.
I wanted to get it out here so those who want to, may read it. I loved the letter by Edmund K. Silva at the bottom, and the comments by AG Aidun (or Naidu or whatever the whatever name he’s going by) on the “Apology Resolution” of 1993.
If nothing else, just click the Brudda Iz photo at top to view the video, and see the beautiful images of the islands, Manana, Ia’o, Kalalau, Waipio, and all the people… Have Kleenex ready…

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