The “Hawai’ian Kingdom” series, Part 13: "King's Letter to the Department of Interior Panelists in Hawai'i"

hawaiian_kingdom_shield_13A few highlights are below (from my perspective). This letter was written on the evening of a local Hawai’ian community-DOI meeting in Waimanalo, June 23.

“Acting Assistant Attorney General Sam Hirsh replied that Congress has over decades passed laws that created a special political and trust relationship between the United States government and “Native Hawaiians.” In addition, the Secretary of DOI has authority over issues addressing indigenous communities.
“Even if the panelists did no study of history before coming to Hawai’i, they have certainly been educated by the many speakers, who appeared at the hearing to testify and submit prepared testimony. From that education, the panelists are now aware that the correct status of the Kingdom of Hawai’i is that of an occupied nation.
“In his narrowing of the applicable law to the United States Constitution and domestic laws of the United States, Mr. Hirsch mistakenly offered a false security to his fellow panelists. To the extent that the panelists are furthering human rights violations, war crimes, and genocide, the panelists are opening themselves up to prosecution for which government employment will not provide immunity and Mr. Hirsch’s limited legal defense will not prevent prosecution.”


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