These Energies Are "Astounding"… (Dammit!!)

20140626-161705.jpgWhy do these messages wait until 1 AM to start coming through? Must be “The Energies”.
Right now I feel a bit compressed. And tested. What’s being “tested”? In my case, it’s the willingness to let go. Completely… Of stuff that comes up… On a daily basis.
[Resuming this post… next day (it’s no longer 1 AM!)]
Since I moved into my new place, here are “issues” that have arisen:
1. The place is really “small”.
2. The Internet connection is iffy.
3. The bathroom is 60 feet from my door.
4. The bathroom and shower are “shared”.
5. Who knows what else…
Solutions I found to these, after first, completely accepting the situation as it is:
1. I’m using as much vertical space as possible ( hang bags on the wall, guitar on the wall, use air bed which stands up against the wall when not in use).
2. Suggest a new router (it was replaced, iffyness disappeared), and accept the observation that 99% of the time, my connection is excellent.
3. Learn to enjoy the walk, have led flashlights handy, and use three 1 qt. UCBs (the last two letters stand for “collection bottles”) when necessary.
4. Accept the observation that, so far, no one has ever been in there when I needed it. Also, they are made of lava rock and bathroom looks out onto the forest below.
5. Fix things myself. Use creativity to find a solution. Go take a walk and the 1500 feet above sea level panoramic view. Etc. etc. etc.
These “issues” I see coming up, whatever they may be, seem to be coming up for many many people at this time. As I see it, this is a personal “apocalypse” period of Gaia’s upgrading (as well as a community, country, planetary, “apocalypse” time). Everything that we need to clear is being “apocalypsed”… namely, “un-veiled”. No more secrets, baby!!
And if you’re wanting to find out more to clear, I’ve heard the NSA knows pretty much everything about most of us, so may be your best friend for finding what you need to clear!
The “compression” to me means that all of these “clearance items” are not only being “unveiled” to our awareness, but also being “pressed against” our awareness so we can’t escape dealing with them.
Well, I’ve finished a mocha, I’m drinking a Kona coffee, and will enjoy this beautiful day.
Aloha to all, KP

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