GaiaPortal Update 5-21-14… "Star Collectives assemble, via Gaia coordination, for progression to next level"

gaiaportal_logo48Two GaiaPortals came up in the last three days, which I felt were worth viewing. Particularly, in this one, is the assembling of “Star Collectives”. Perhaps a readying of the planet for our Star family to become more active, as mentioned in Cobra’s last post.


Star Collectives assemble, via Gaia coordination, for progression to next level
Star Collectives assemble, via Gaia coordination, for progression to next level.
Assemblers of Nova Gaia energetic structures have completed necessary tasks according to ascension protocols.
Stationing of Light Carriers and Holders prepares path of Expansion.
Consecration* of next phase is complete.
[* consecrate: 1. to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity… 2. to make (something) an object of honor or veneration; hallow… 3. to devote or dedicate to some purpose… ]

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