Poofness 3/6 — Confusion On Steroids…
Greetings and Salutations;
No backing up, no delays, it’s all been ‘straight forward til morning’, Tho it does seem like the 60’s are doing a rerun, except the conclusion will be a whole lot different than it was then. There are only a few ways to fix this global economic situation and as more talking heads ‘get there’, the more their hair seems to be on fire. 11 states of the US have called for a return to the gold standard. Every country who has devalued their currency has failed within 70 years, well the fed is in it’s senile state now, wheel chair bound and in need of an oxygen tank, or perhaps a hyperbaric chamber.
People who don’t ‘get me’ are fond of saying, oh he’s too fluffy, everything is sunshine. Well you’re getting plenty of bad news everyday from every direction, why do I need to add to people’s discomfitures? LIfe is like a TV so you should choose your channels carefully with some thought. Constantly expand ‘what you know’ outside of what your told. As the bumper sticker says, ‘The truth will set you free, but first it may piss you off. One has to be willing to confront our personal Myths, things we have believed for years that really have no foundation in truth. The reason this is coming up is because this release of funds across this planet Is doing much more than handing out money, it’s bringing on a whole new view point about LIfe On Earth along with a brief historic review so the behavior is not repeated.
I guess it’ll be a trip to hear the ‘change’ being reverberated all over the planet, I’m hearing some news organizations are preparing messages for the public approved from on high. IT’ll seem sudden, but anyone connected to these programs, this shift of the world’s wealth knows their isn’t anything sudden about it. If you could look at the voluminous documents involved and the countless ‘private interests’ involved that did this without the ship capsizing in disaster, you may better appreciate, what it took to get it done. Ownership papers that took in the throne of england, the vatican, countless families of european heritage, then there’s the old chinese dragon families from which all the folks mentioned above borrowed from and never paid back. So while we’ve waiting and ‘thinking’ they’ll never pay us, whole forests worth of paper work has been processed thru all the official organizations around the planet. There was also a tremendous amount of wax involved stamping all those docs. Yes, it’s still being used on some official documents, along with signets and seals.
Once again My news is extremely positive, buckets of black ink being used and (hopefully) wet sponges and no tongues engaged, finishing everything out. Nothing has changed or altered about the announcement time either, it’s still going to be a global thing. So while folks just love to talk about the bad guys doing this or doing that, it doesn’t matter, they lost this game of ‘foxes and snakes’. There is Law, that covers this it’s called the Law of Inevitablity, which means when some thing has Pure intent, that over rules that which is intended to stop it. LIke standing on the mississippi bridge in Memphis and telling the river to stop or flow north . The last time that happened was in the early 1800’s when the new madrid fault did it’s thing. If that action stayed the great lakes would have started being fed from the gulf of mexico rather than from their more natural sources.
It’s as good as it gets, short of of having it in your hands. Much will happen almost simultaneously, and I hope everyone is ready to have circuits blown. The media will not be able to keep this quiet. AS far as, people getting arrested, it’s grown boring so I don’t speak of it any more….I’ll just say I suspect something like the nuremburg trials is going to happen. From what I have gotten, they may well have enough incarcerated at the hague, they may be able to start another village. That’s about all I can say in an open forum, have fun you all. If a consult is needed, email this address and the others on the list will be attended to on monday…in between listening for the door bell.
Love and Kisses,
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