A Note about Some Channelings…”Hey… Higher Discernment, Please”…

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Just a note about a note. Someone told me a couple days ago that “someone” had channeled that “the Galactics have left to go on vacation” (I presume meaning some of them). Okay, I immediately got that this particular message was “off”. Why would the Galactics need a vacation?

Nothing more about that for now. However, yesterday, while walking in Kalalau, I asked for some kind of evidence, a sign, that “they” were still here with us (meaning Galactics). And then I immediately saw the image above left. To me, this affirmed that they were still here.

Now, today, I started to read this message from that “someone”, and it did not ring a bell, in me at least. So I am only providing a couple links and this note about a couple lines in the “someone” message below.

And that is, the following lines did not “strike” me as what I’d expect to hear from Beings of Light.

“We do not use metaphor to trick you or to fool you into thinking one thing while we are actually saying another. This is a kind of trickery or deceit we would never do…
“We wish for more of you to take these communications more seriously… for what we are presenting to you is truth…
“Our messages that we share to you have been banned, have been ‘outlawed’, if you will, on more than a few Internet communities…
“We feel this is a violation. We feel those of you who have taken part in this ban of these messages and our channel we say shame on you, and especially those of you who are members of our organization.
“There is a growing number of you that are joining this ‘lynch mob’…
“This is not a threat. This is truth.”

None of this rang anything close to anything “right on” for me. That’s all I need to say here. Please listen not to my bell, but yours, and see if it rings true for you.

Link 1 (from “someone”)
Link 2 (from Steve)

This entry was posted in apocalypse, ascension, channeling, energies, Kauilapele message, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth. Bookmark the permalink.