Another Message of Clarity Re: “Mass Arrests”… from WaveRider1… Synchronicity Anyone?

[Potential commenters please see the note below] Well, I could not NOT post this, an email from Waverider1 (he has his own blog, related to the last post. This synchronicity is going around. Be sure to catch it!

Mahalo again, Waverider! (Hope you’re okay with being KP-Posted!)


Hi, KP –

Just saw your post about the ‘clarification’ of ‘mass arrests’. I wanted to let you know that the friend you quote (RS) is NOT the only one this information came to a couple of days ago. I was both amused and joyfully stunned to read this post, as it did two things: first, let me know that the info IS actually getting out via multiple channels to many people; and second, that my personal ‘sources’ are being validated/confirmed more and more often.

My own intel from On High came in the form of the definition of ‘arrest’, as when I was reading about how so many are claiming that ‘nothing is happening’ and attacking Drake and others, I was simply made aware of two phrases:

‘cardiac arrest’ and ‘arrested development’
(is that a good band, btw?)

This immediately clarified the situation for me by giving me the TRUE definition of ‘arrest’, and therefore ‘mass arrests’. They are indeed occuring, as that video from Julia May demonstrates — along with all the criminal investigations into rate fixing and price fixing and insider trading and money laundering and president impeachments, etc. etc. — the ‘arresting’ of the cabal, or more specifically the blockage of their nefarious activities, which have been ‘arrested’ by glaring exposure to the Light. Living in the tropics, we both know how much cockroaches just HATE the Light, can’t get a thing done under its exposing illumination, right?

Carry on, fine sir, and I hope to meet you ‘soon’ at your favorite spot and enjoy a few cloudships and dolphin leaps over a steaming cup of Kona capuccino. . . .

Your cyber/etheric friend,

[comments open 2 days][Note 2204 HST: I’ve already received a couple of comments that have been deleted. Any comment that does not align with the spirit of this blog will be removed. If it does not “feel” or “sense” right to me, I will remove it. Negative slanting comments will be removed. Other blogs may allow it. This blog does not.]

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