
Although this may not apply to everyone, I am rather moved to put this here.

After reading the document posted yesterday here (see this one), I was really feeling “hit hard”. I’m sure it’s partly something to do with that document, and partly my own “something”, and also a “something” in the larger group of “us”, whoever, exactly, “us” is. There was a strong sense that there is something in the “air” (whatever it is) that was calling out in me, to be “struck”.

All I can say is, I felt it. I acknowledge it. And I embrace it. Namely, that I felt the “hit”. I got it. I was hit.

I went to bed that night (last night, 7-10-12), and in the morning woke around 6 AM. Shortly after, I checked the site stats, as I sometimes do, from my phone, and immediately was eye-caught by two 605’s on the same page. I believe that was the time of 0605, and site views of 6050.

Later on, at 0944 HST, I looked at the site stats page on my computer, and saw two 111’s (photo above).

Then shortly after, at 1038 HST, another number, a 444, showed up in the stats (photo below).

Yesterday I picked up my mail, and found my very recently ordered book, “Angel Numbers 101“, by Doreen Virtue. Seems like many of you had been mentioning that book in one of the recent posts, so I felt moved to buy it. And then this morning, I start seeing all these triples… 2 x 605, 2 x 111, and 1 x 444. This is not a coincidence.

So I looked them up in the book. Here’s what was written.

605 (2x): “God is helping you improve your life so that you have more peace of mind.”

111 (2x): “This number brings you the urgent message that your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mind-set focused upon your desires. Give any fearful thoughts to Heaven for transmutation.”

444 (1x): “There are angels–they’re everywhere around you! You are completely loved, supported, and guided by many Heavenly beings, and you have nothing to fear.”

I’m not going to sit here and try to figure all this out. I can tell you that my current guidance is to step out of where I was at before, step away from reading sites like this, step away from the seemingly frantic “get ready for all hell breaking loose and dammit at least arrest somebody” idea. Read the “111” message above.

And for the time, for this moment, I am stepping into the warm ocean of the “444”.

That is all.
Aloha, KP

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