From TYWK, 6-27-12… "Bill Brockbrader is out!!!"

[UPDATE 2234 HST: Here is an article from Steve Beckow about Bill’s release.]
I received an email last night from Scott at TYWK with this article. “Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood got out” (of jail, that is; remember the request for assistance post?). Here’s the article.


Bill Brockbrader is out!!! WOO HOO

Bill and Eva at Bill’s release

Bill Brockbrader aka Bill Wood got out it looks like at around 5pm Idaho time 11 hours ago from what I see on the Bill Brockbrader Facebook Group post from Eva Moore.
Eva Moore
HE IS OUT !!!!!
…then a photo of them both 10 hours ago posted by Pat that I unfortunately can not post here.
Bill was on Wolf Spirit Radio during Frank Jordan’s show from 51 minutes to 57 minutes after some very interesting info from Frank on Super Soldiers below
from Frank Jordan’s archive page here.
Thanks to all that made this happen. I am very happy that he is out and to see how so many people came together to help so quickly. Blessings to all.
I will also ask to do a skype video interview with them both at their leisure, no pressure when they feel like it. Then share it hear and on my youtube.
Listen to Bill on Wolf Spirit Radio on 6-25 too before he got out here
from Bill Woods Wolf Spirit Radio Archive page here.

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