There is a LOT Going on Right Now… Several Articles at Once Coming…

I’m just putting this up here, as recently (the past 24 hours) I’ve got several messages, articles, radio shows, I felt “had” to be posted today.
As noted from this post yesterday, there is a lot going on with some of our feet/legs, and I sense that, for myself at least, this is very clear message from Gaia that she wants us with her… Now. This may mean a stubbed toe, aches in our feet, even a case of MRSA (see this American Kabuki’s page (caution: extreme leg photos alert…)). Sheldan Nidle even mentioned this in a part of the Cosmic Vision News show yesterday (show will go up here next).
I sense it is very important to stay grounded, stay with the planet, at this moment. Getting into mental games like, “I’ve got a million things to do,” “I’ve got no time for that Gaia stuff… I’ve got important things to do… Like do a million things at once,” or “Hey the NBA finals is on. I’ll deal with this Earth thing after that,” will take us off the track.
We all know what our place is in this. So, let’s enjoy that place. And this movement.

This entry was posted in apocalypse, ascension, channeling, energies, Kauilapele message, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth. Bookmark the permalink.

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