Utsava Update 5-9-22… “Things are about to go down….BIG!”

I post these if they resonate. And this one does, especially in light of the last Kp post (Substack version). So enjoy the read, and stay in the Higher Vibrations!

Anyway, I suggest, take the best (what resonates) and leave the rest… follow Higher Inner Discernment!

I’m only posting highlights. The full articles are available for those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page.


Things are about to go down….BIG!

“We have mentioned that the military has been taking over the courts, they have been investigating the judges, the prosecutors and have been reviewing cases, how they are filed, how people are getting prosecuted (or not), and who is being targeted, and why.

“The Deep state has been maliciously targeting Trump supporters and truthers. The Trump family and their allies have been targeted for years by malicious prosecutors. Now is the time when we go back to Constitutional and Common law.

“This post above is full of code. I find that there are indications that the RV is about to happen. I find that this is confirmation hell is about to break loose. The system as we know it will be officially taken over very soon.

“We always knew that ‘My fellow Americans’ said by Donald Trump will be an indication when things start going down heading to the EBS. He said it! I know that he said it before and they were not able to do the EBS but this is different now.

“President Trump responded to ’60 minutes’ request to comment on an interview with this letter. He states that he had to run the military himself. Remember the other day he mentioned that ‘as a president’…hinting on that he is still president. While so many did not understand this we have consistently stated that Joe Biden will be a fake president and Trump has never left us.”


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