Kp Message 4-18-22… “An Energetic ‘Culmination'”

That’s what came up just now. Very strongly.

My sense is that we’re at some sort of “culminating” time, which is actually not a “moment” in time, or anything like that. Just a culmination.

For me, the pressure has been building and building, and that’s why I kicked my Self (and my body) out of the north, and into the south… and its warmth… which has resonated with my Spirit ever since arriving.

I’m pretty close to leaving, so we’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, I’m at Native Coffee for one last (beautifully crafted) mocha.

My primary Guidance is that I am to remain apart from (aka, “above”) any energies of “entrapment”, “stuck-ness”, “I can’t get out of here”, and all such ideas like that. Not for me.

Let’s be “in Joy” with the show. 

Well, that’s about it from here.

Aloha, Kp

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