Kp Message 3-25-22… “Much is occurring… and I’m NOT ‘involved'”

Yes, that “get involved” phrase comes up sometimes, with those who are “putting out the ‘truth'”, and it is a challenge to rise above that so-called “encouragement”.

“Oh, [this / that] is happening over [here / there] so you’d better get active and involved because the planet will fall apart if you don’t!”… phrases I’ve seen before, and which, almost always, I ignore.

This type of things completely omits the understanding that each has their own personal Higher Inner Guidance which, for myself, is always the only things to follow. That “Higher Inner Guidance” always taps into the Guide that is true in the moment, for each in their own way.

My path does not depend on what others say, do, imply, or judge. Not at all.

I’m here in this midwestern region of Turtle Island for an undetermined remaining period of time. I know not how long it will be, but I’m very sure that the return to the islands will be before any “intense midwestern winter” comes again. I’m feeling very “done” with that.

Overall, I’m feeling the planetary energies are still quite “compressive”, but much has released, and will continue to release. There are numerous Light-Energy “processors and channelers” who are “doing” their assignments, and that has been very important for us all.

I’ll not say any more for now, but we are looking inward, following our paths, and rising up into a much brighter and Light-er world.

Aloha, Kp

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