Phil Godlewski 3-20-22… “Rapid Fire – March 20th, 2022” (plus Kp notes)

Yes, I viewed this (listened) live on, and now it is available on Rumble.

I took a few notes during the live, which I’ve placed below the video, below the “Read more”.

“Phil continues his RAPID FIRE series, taking yes or no questions from his followers.”

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Kp Notes (in roughly chronological order)

Trump may return… maybe as early as this week.
Medbeds are ready for release.
There will be power blackouts.
NO nuke “scare event”.
We are in the storm.
Expect the EBS.
CERN has been neutralized.
Russia is almost finished with Ukraine [operations].
[There will be] No lockdown before elections.
IRS is cooperating with the US Treasury.
Trump = Q+.
Vax mandates are over.
Xi & Putin are “White Hats” (namely, actively working vs. the deep state).
EBS will be global.
Barr = White Hat”.
WI will decertify.
Disney will be “cleaned up” [under new management].
We’ll be allies with Russia, when all is finished.
We’ll see Q phones this year.
BH Obama is still alive.

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