Kp Message 2-17-22… “The Reasons I’ve posting much less the last few days”

Yes, below are the reasons. The new refrigerator finally was installed on 2-15-22 (was delivered on the 2-12, but one of the guys had a health issue so could not install it that day), after the old one (viewable in second image) was placed onto the truck. The old one stopped working on about 2-1-22 (and was installed in 1985).

So I bought a new small one, got a couple of large bins and bags of ice, to keep the fridge things cool while in the house. The outside acted as a freezer (it has been around 10-40 degrees outside).

Anyway, it has pretty much taken up most of my “mental time” the past few days. It has felt like a big thing, and I know it is, in part, an upgrading of the house for the next owner (and gives me the chance to have brand new refrigerator until I move!! It’s got 2 more cu. ft. than the old one!).

Aloha to all who have helped “Hold the Light space” for what I’ve been going through.

Aloha, Kp

Click to view old refrigerator

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