Phil Godlewski VIDEO 1-27-22… “The First Arrest”

All I’ll say now is that this was a very well constructed (my view) presentation. I found it well worth viewing. (note: the thumbnail for the video is a hint).

However, this could very well be a disinformation play. Personally I have no idea (I’m not here to “figure out” the Alliance or how they are working). Personally, I’m feeling it’s time to let go of a lot of this “Intel” and “figuring out of the Intel”.

As always, I suggest “tuning in” to Higher Inner Self to see if this is yours.

  • Notes:
  • I may add a note or two later. Right now I’ve got to go to the horizontal position.

“Phil details some new intel regarding a brilliant plot to flip the 2020 General Election back to President Donald J. Trump.”
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