Daily Archives: January 4, 2022

Couple of Fun videos with “that guy” (Bilal Göregen) and Trump, AOC, a Cat and a CatTurd!!

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These just popped into my awareness. I love this guy (Bilal Göregen)! https://rumble.com/embed/vp9t85/?pub=cc2wt https://rumble.com/vrvzc1-we-should-do-this-every-time-aoc-tries-giving-a-speecho.html . https://youtu.be/CAyWN9ba9J8

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Kp Message 1-4-22… “Observations on dates, numbers (“The 355”, anyone?), possible “happenings”…”

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Okay, I’m keeping this short, sweet, maybe easy to eat… This number 355 has been flying around out there. There’s a movie called The 355 that’s coming out on 1-7-22. There’s lots of posts about the number, and one things … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 1-3-22 (2) VIDEOs… “Looking into the Deep DS Cover Of Betty White!” & “Livestream… with JeanClaude BeyondMystic”

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Both of these I found very illuminating. The Betty White information is quite astounding! I do feel we are very close to “things popping out”. We shall see (more on that later). “Tarot by Janine… does a reading… looking into … Continue reading

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