Daily Archives: November 29, 2021

Benjamin Fulford 11-29-21… “Babylon will babble on but, to no avail”

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New weekly report from Ben. Among many items here, this image of covid survival rates is striking and perhaps will help people see the obvious. “You can almost taste the fear in the mouths of the Khazarian mafia leadership as … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford will be posted later… This is why…

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Yes, I’m enjoying this beautiful new day with a Mayan mocha at Viator… By Jeremy!! Aloha, Kp

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Tarot by Janine 11-28-21 VIDEO… “Tarot by Janine Looks at How to Navigate the Coming Season with Family and Potential Exclusions”

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Yes, this one also formed a “bright” spot in my day (evening?). I’m sure one or two may be facing such things this year. My Guidance is to “Follow Higher Inner Guidance” and refrain from falling into the “You’ve got … Continue reading

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